Daily Diary – June 21 2011

Another day that flew by here. David’s going to lego camp this week so he’s gone all morning and Nathaniel and I just do all the things we do each day. Then when we pick him up Nathaniel goes for his nap and David does his chores, or activities, or spends some time on the computer. Today when Nathaniel woke up we took a brief trip to the book store and I bought a journal and an art book and David bought a few books and Nathaniel got a sticker book. By the time we got back home, Daddy was home so as he prepared dinner, Nathaniel played with his sticker book:

And Nathaniel yelled at me for bothering him.

And David laughed a bit. Then we read our book and he wrote his journal and now they are both upstairs in bed.

I’ve been taking Alisa Burke’s watercolor class but I hadn’t done any homework. Last night, I decided to do something quick and simple so I did last week’s homework which was to limit the number of colors to use on a page. This page uses only the primary colors, yellow, blue, red and mixtures of them.

My first time drawing poppies. It’s not amazing art or anything but it’s ok. I feel like all the sketching and art journaling has given me more confidence. I can start a project now without too much fear which is more than I can say for the past.

I took tomorrow off, just to relax a bit and spend some time with Nathaniel and read a bit and do some of my Soul Restoration homework and art. I am looking forward to it.

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I bought a journal for Soul Restoration, I was trying to use the same one from the first class but it wasn’t working, now I have something just for this class.
2. I am grateful that I am giving myself room and space to figure some things out. I feel like my mind’s going in 11 directions.
3. I am grateful that I have the day off tomorrow.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful I got new books. {* his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I have some chapter books to read now.
3. I am grateful that I spent some time playing connect four with daddy.

1 comment to Daily Diary – June 21 2011

  • dawn

    So glad you had a happy day. Do you live close by to stores and get to walk to them? I like your watercolor picture. Enjoy your day off today.

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