
Somewhere in the last eight months, I appear to have changed, or maybe strengthened is the more correct word, some of my beliefs. Between the quitting. the moving, the traveling, and the starting over, it seems I decided to put a lot of value on a frequently-overlooked trait: integrity.

In the last few months, I have worked hard to be honest and do the right thing. I’m not saying I’ve succeeded in every instance. I still have over 60 unanswered emails sitting in my inbox from the last few weeks alone. I don’t always call friends back when I say I will. I am frequently too lazy to finish a task that I deem important. But I try harder than I ever did. I am adamant about doing my job right and being honest with those around it even if it’s not always so convenient. I find myself fervently urging others around me to do the same.

Several people have warned me that this is naive behavior and that I must be not mature enough yet to believe that integrity and success can go hand in hand. The thought that you can’t succeed without cheating someone or something is so depressing that I refuse to believe it. How is it possible that working hard to do the right thing and being honest with those around you is considered an immature thought?

Is it really true that you can’t reach the top without doing something unethical or illegal along the way? Have we all come to accept that as a way of life? If so, what does that say about humanity and our future?

I want to believe that there are enough people out there who feel as strongly as I do about the power of integrity that they would choose to do business with an honest organization/company over one that cheats its way to the top. But maybe I am just fooling myself. Maybe the world is as bitter and cynical as the people who say I am naive. My belief is that you get what you give. If you give wholeheartedly and honestly, you receive with the same pure force. And I am not so young that I don’t realize there are times when people take advantage of you and you kindness, but I still feel strongly that those who are good win bigger and better in the long run.

At least, they can look themselves in the mirror and be proud of who they are.

And if that’s childish, well… I hope I never grow up.

3 comments to Integrity

  • In that case, I hope so too.

    This year, I’ve been heading this team at college and I really have been having so many problems with people having ego clashes, people shying away from work when they don’t see any concrete recognition of their effort, etc.etc. It’s very demoralising at times, and there have been times when I’ve been tempted to give it all up and step down from my post. But sooner or later I remember why I joined this thing, and how much joy the little things bring me. And that makes it all worth while.

    Moral of the story– just keep your faith. You are not accountable to anyone but yourself. And being able to look into the mirror with pride is definitely a reward worth fighting for.

  • You’re not alone! There are many, many ‘mature’ people out there who value integrity. And you’re definitely not naive! Integrity and ethics are issues I’ve struggled with for most of my working life. In a few instances, I even a my job rather than do work that I found unethical. I was criticized as being ‘unrealistic’ but I knew that I had to follow my own inner compasss. I used to wonder if I was just weird, but now I understand that many people value honesty and trust – you just have to find them.

    There are two books I want to recommend to you: The first is ‘trendy’ but it’s really an amazing book: ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People’ by Stephen Covey. It has integrity as its underlying theme.

    Also, check out Nan DeMar’s ‘You want me to do what?’ This book is all about ethics in the workplace (how to develop your own ethics and how to influence your coworkers toward more ethical behaviour). I think that Nan’s book especially will make you feel like you’re in good company!

  • karenika

    thank you for the encouragement and for the great recommendations!! 🙂 you guys rock!

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