Daily Diary – August 13 2011

Happy Saturday! We had a quiet day of course. We got up early and took family photos after exercise-time. I snapped one of my boys.

and there was remote-related conversation of course. Nathaniel had it.

when I tried to take it, he insisted that Daddy take the photos.

then we just gave up and dove into tickle time.

which was awesome, of course.

Afterwards Jake and David rode bikes for a bit and then played soccer together while Nathaniel and I hugged on the couch. And then I went to lunch with my neighbors and David played wii and Nathaniel napped. (and so did Jake.) When I came back I sketched. Then it was time to watch a movie. Nathaniel played as he watched, of course. (see the red box reflecting off of the sun to his face? that’s the red tint of the photo)

And David gave me less than one second to snap this one.

Now they are settling down for the night and I am trying to decide whether I should scrap, art journal, or just cuddle up with a book. Maybe a little of each?

Three Things I’m Grateful For:
1. I am grateful for a fun lunch with friends.
2. I am grateful for snuggle time with Nathaniel.
3. I am grateful for one more day of vacation.

Three Things David’s Grateful For:
1. I am grateful that I watched a movie. * {his pick for the journal}
2. I am grateful that I played wii.
3. I am grateful that I played soccer with daddy.

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