2011 Priority List and Goals – August Check-in

Here’s the check-in for August. I know I am a bit late but it’s not too bad, right? You can see the original goals for 2011 here.

I have still been reading regularly to David and recently it’s been books from the library which has been extra fun. I’m still keeping up with weekly family shoots, daily diary, and gratitudes. We’ve done so-so on family night in August but we did quite a few full-day family trips and mini-vacations instead. I failed on the music class thing cause it was just terrible timing. Jake and I had a few date nights in August and they were a lot of fun.

Going strong on the running and walking. Did 3.12 miles a day every day in August with one of those being on a slight incline and did 60 leg lifts and 30 crunches a day. The food has been so much better, too. I quit my coffee and the graham crackers. I am eating almost all whole foods, now and eating a lot more protein. Sleep’s been a consistent 7 hours or so. I’m getting up several times a night to make sure David goes to the bathroom but other than that I have so much enjoyed the summer rule of not having to set the alarm. We’re also taking daily walks still and averaging more than 75,000 steps a week. So far, so good. As promised last month, I focused on food this month and feel really good about it.

Art + Photography
Still Sketching daily every day. I feel like I am in a bit of a rut for that because I want and need more ideas. I plan to focus on coming up with a strategy for that in September. And also still doing weeklong art journaling. I still love this project. I have not grown bored of it one bit. I’ve continued with the daily art journaling in August and loved every moment of it. I am trying to keep it low pressure and tell myself it doesn’t have to be daily but it’s one of the few things that keeps my soul happy so I end up doing it every day. No movement on photo excursions or etsy shop however.

August was a lot of scrapping for future projects, trying to get ahead of the curve. I did quite a few pages but I am more than caught up now.

Still reading my weekly book regularly. Reading to David, too. We didn’t have book club this month either.

I am still neglecting the thoughts-posts however I still think about them all the time and even jot down ideas. I just don’t seem to feel like sitting and writing them out. Feels like I’d rather spend the time to do art. Newsletters are all the writing that I’ve been doing for now. And August was dismal in journaling but I have a commitment (and even a class that promises to be of help) for September.

August was 21 Secrets, Christy’s Color class and Dina’s art journaling classes. I have already signed up for two for September. Nothing on the iPad front yet or the stop motion movie.

Community (This is a particularly hard one for me.)
Mom’s group is on hold for now but we did have dinner guests. I also went to work for lunch and breakfast. This area is moving slowly but it is moving.

And that’s it for August. Overall, I think I did okay. Lots of good goals met. Let’s bring on September! It will be interesting to see what stays and what goes with the new fall schedule.

8 comments to 2011 Priority List and Goals – August Check-in

  • Hi Karenika,
    I love your honesty! As I was reading threw your comments of each of your goals, I could definitely see myself. By the way – I Love your sketching – I am always inspired when I receive the posts and always wonder where you get your inspiration – your characters such as the girls you draw are always so sweet. I have also wanted to ask – did you have formal training? Thanks for being so real – I really enjoyed this post, because it inspires me to want to follow your lead.

    • karenika

      that is so so kind of you, thank you!! all the sketches I make are just me taking other people’s sketches and making my own copies by looking. I would never want to take credit for their creativity. I am just trying to learn to draw by looking for now, the idea generation part will (hopefully) come later. No training at all. I just started over 100 days ago and sketch every single day. Some days are better than others of course but practice helps a lot πŸ™‚ thank you so much for your kind words, it makes me so happy to know that i inspired you. truly grateful.

  • Cheryl

    Experience says if you focus on one artistic endeavor, something else gets left behind. Maybe your soul needs art now and the writing will return. Isn’t it more important to feed the soul? I can so identify with what you’re feeling. Let it be art, as long as there is something.

    • karenika

      maybe you’re right. or maybe i am just avoiding it πŸ™‚ not sure. one of my sept classes is heavy on the writing so i imagine it will come back. i also plan to write a novel in november but i need an idea πŸ™‚

  • There are so many ways in which I feel as though we are two halves of the same whole. I am so glad I found you thru BPC’s freebie. Looking forward to hear what classes you’ve signed up for this month!

    • karenika

      i am so so glad you found me, too πŸ™‚ i am taking a pan pastel class by Nathalie Kalbach and a sort of journaling class by Karen Walrond called Pathfinder πŸ™‚

  • Pathfinder looks way cool!! Hope it is as helpful as its description makes it sound!!

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