Weekly Diary – January 7 2012

Our first week of the year was relatively hectic. David went back to school and Jake went back to work. I hit the ground running on work, too. Nathaniel was home for one more week. The boys are growing up so fast. Nathaniel is becoming more and more vocal and insistent and difficult. He likes to put a teen after all the numbers. So it’s not four but fourteen (even if it’s 4) and then fiveteen. Even if we correct him, he insists it’s not 4 but fourteen. He also likes to whine and whine until he gets his way. The drama level has doubled or so. David’s growing up too and getting bored more quickly. But I am working with him to try and adjust his attitude. He’s still kind and generous and caring in his heart and I just hope that never goes away. Next week we all go back to routine but I have 4 appointments so it promises to be another hectic and full week.

Anyhow, here are some highlights from the first week of the year:

New Year’s Day, David made some awesome lego creations:

This one says “you are nice” and the lego men are building the letters. Isn’t it awesome?

then, around sunset, we went to a bird pond and watched the ducks, and the birds.

it was a lovely time to take some soft photos.

the boys held hands. I love it when they hold hands.

to the right of the pond was a muddy section with some black little birds and some sandpipers.

Nathaniel insisted on holding both Daddy’s and David’s hands.

It was also right by a small airport so the boys watched the planes take off and land.

the next day was the last day of our vacation so we got out the stamps:

and the markers

and just had fun

the boys loved it and I made an art journal page sitting there with them.

after david went back to school and jake, to work, Nathaniel hung out with me and colored while I worked.

when I stopped for a minute to take his photo, he smirked but wouldn’t look up.

but I kept insisting so finally he gave up.

and laughed and laughed.

he also played with stickers to entertain himself.

I snapped this rare shot of David smiling at me that day when he came home from school.

Nathaniel also grabbed the ipod and watched some movies (with no sound) to entertain himself while I worked.

On Friday we took our family shot. but no matter how hard we tried the boys wouldn’t both look at the camera at the same time.

Then Nathaniel got into this tiny box and asked Daddy to push him around.

which thrilled him to bits.

there was much joy

and jubilation

until it was David’s turn and you can see Nathaniel crying there in the background.

he wouldn’t stop weeping until he was back in the box.

despite his brother’s joy, he got up and let Nathaniel have one more turn. Then, this morning while I exercised, the boys decided to take out all their cars and trains and line them up. It was a long, long line.

when David was in swimming class, Nathaniel and I worked on his book so when David came home, he immediately wanted to share it.

and here we go. Another wonderful week gone. Here’s to a great week next week!

Weekly Diary is a project for 2012. You can read more about it here.

6 comments to Weekly Diary – January 7 2012

  • Nan

    Hi Karen….First let me say you have a beautiful family. What a wonderful post. I just finished watching your JumpStart and wanted to tell you that it was so so helpful for me. I have been so challengesd for the past 6 months or so and what you said just clicked with me and made perfect sense. There’s almost no scenario where sitting down for just a bit wouldn’t work. A so simple but real aha moment for me. Thanks so much. Nan

  • These pictures are lovely especially the shot of David, family picture and your husband and Nathaniel at the pond. I’ m just wondering if there are any pictures of you at the pond?

  • Lucie Hale

    Karen, it was so fun to share in the life of your family this week. You are an excellent story teller. I felt like I was right there with you!

    On a side note, can you see about adding a app to Chrome for Pintrest? Just wondering. I am loving my Chrome!!! I don’t know if you saw that I commented on how I loaded it on 3 of my computers last week, and today I loaded it on another one at work! Keep up the great job!

  • dawn

    Karen, these are my most FAVORITES of all the pictures!! They actually brought a little tear and big smile on my face just reading your words with each photo. Your boys are so cute, how could you ever say no to them, lol

    I love when mine hold hands too, melts my heart big time. Love the one with Jake & Nathanial, so happy together.

    Sorry about Nathanial giving you some attitude, hang in there and just look at these sweet pictures to make you feel sane and happy again.

    I remember pushing my kids around in little buckets, forgot all about that. Oh do I miss this age.

    GUESS WHAT WE FINALLY TOOK OUR FIRST FAMILY PHOTO LIKE YOU DO TODAY!!! I’M SO EXCITED AND IT WILL GO INTO OUR PROJECT LIFE ALBUM. NOT SURE IF WE WILL DO THIS WEEKLY OR JUST MONTHLY. It took 5 tries to get it right but they had fun doing them. So thank you for this idea and for sharing your family with us.

    Wish you lived closer and could take these gorgeous pictures of my kids.
    Have a good Monday!

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