Letting Go of Grumpiness

When I started feeling better about two weeks ago, the first thing several people told me was: “It probably won’t last.” I nodded. I knew it wouldn’t and that we often revert to the mean but I wanted to enjoy feeling good for as long as I could. More significantly, I wanted to believe that I wouldn’t be returning to the really bad place I was in before my class.

I wanted to be out of there permanently.

When you’re in that bad place, it feels like you will never see sunshine again. Just like when I feel sick, after some time, I feel like I will never be healthy again. Somehow my mind or body seems to forget what feeling healthy feels like. It’s as if all I know is this sickness. I feel the same way when I am in that bad place emotionally. It’s as if I can’t remember how light looks or feels like, let alone think I might see it again.

So once I started feeling good again, I understood I might deterioriate but I just didn’t want to go all the way back there.

The thing that’s great about feeling good is that just like the vicious cycle, the good feeling cycles on itself, too. I was feeling good, so I performed better, I was kinder, more open and then more good stuff came my way. I got the recognition and the pats in the back I craved when I was not feeling up to par. And things just cycled from there.

Then the weekend came and I got grumpy. Several annoying things happened. We lost internet connectivity for a long while, I dropped my camera and shattered the filter, I got very little sleep all weekend, I struggled with the sketching, my emails in both my personal inbox and work inbox overflowed and I just felt very behind. I wasn’t able to exercise as thoroughly as I wanted. I ate badly. I can go on, but I assume you get the picture.

The weekend came and went this way and then I woke up this morning and I was still really grumpy. And a little worried that the “good feeling” had disappeared. I got scared.

After my exercise, I sat down to sketch and opened a podcast.

I decided that I was hanging on to feelings of frustration and resentment by choice. The internet was back, all that broke in my camera was the cheapest part (the filter), I did all my sketches and exercised everyday. I didn’t get sleep cause I got to go out on date nights. Etc. I realized that I was still grumpy partly from being tired but partly cause I was just holding on to it.

And I decided to let it go.

just like that.

I did my sketch. Tried to catch up on work, emails, builds as much as I could. Stuff came up, urgent stuff came up, I dealt with it. (Still dealing with it actually.) I made a list of what I’d like to get done tonight. All of which can be rolled over to tomorrow if need be. Inboxes can wait.

Here’s why it can all wait: if I don’t think it can, I get all stressed. Then I get tired and decide to watch TV and put it all off. I’m not an adrenaline junky. I don’t thrive on deadlines or last minute rush. I am the kind of kid who comes home and does her homework first thing. So having last minute stress shuts me down.

So if I stress and continue to be grumpy, there’s zero chance my list will get done. But if I let it all go, I might feel ok enough to tackle one or two items on my list. Counter-intuitive, I know, but also 100% accurate.

Not to mention the other side effects of letting go: less jaw pain, kinder to the kids, kinder to myself, feeling less small and more confident.

The greatest miracle of all was that I was able to let it go. I still have the nagging feeling at the back of my mind and I hope to at least clear my emails tonight. But the grumpiness is gone. I am once again feeling the calm and serenity of the light.

and I hope to hold on to it for as long as I can.

7 comments to Letting Go of Grumpiness

  • Susanne

    I am struggling with letting go of stuff that I cannot control and is making me miserable. I know I need to but don’t know how to. I don’t want to wake up with an upset stomach or burst into tears through out the day. I wish I had your ability to let it go.

    • karenika

      oh sweet Susanne, trust me, it’s not easy for me either. it’s so so hard. but the alternative is so much worse 🙁 i am so sorry you’re experiencing this. did u try any of the tara bracht podcasts? maybe they will help you too?

  • I think you should stop listening to the people who said it wouldn’t last. Surround yourself with people who say ‘it’s just temporary. It will pass!’

  • Diane

    ok. I’m only on sentence one, but really?? why would people say that? who are these people? that’s just flat out not right Karen. It’s the other way around – the grumpiness won’t last. Happiness is for always!
    ok. back to reading the rest of your post. 🙂

  • Shelly

    I suffer from depression too. It took me over twenty years (so much lost time!!) to find the combination of meds + therapy that works for me, but it did, and five years on it’s still working. If you’re still searching for the combination that works for you (and reading between the lines of your posts I believe you are) please don’t give up the hunt. I know it’s too much effort on the bad days and seems unnecessary on the good days but please know that a stranger who reads your blog cares for you and is glad you have good days as well as the bad and I hope you have more and more of the good, fewer and fewer of the bad.

  • how many of us struggle with depression and keep it a secret? i’m glad you talk about it. i don’t know you, but i’m glad you were able to let go for today. it encourages me to let go, too.

  • Cheryl

    You know I feel for you – so conflicted. This topic is appropriate for me right now. I need to let go of some of the anger or as much as I possibly can. I hopped over to Tara’s website and I’m reading about acceptance. Karen, thank you for helping me heal.

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