A Book a Week – Gone Girl

I read Gone Girl cause it kept popping up everywhere. I felt the first half was super-boring. I didn’t get into the story. I didn’t like either character.

And then there’s a big twist.

But then I still didn’t like either character. I kept reading just to see how it would turn out. and I hated the ending. HATEd. I mean really, really despised it.

So in the end, for me, it was a terrible waste of time.

I am sad I read it.

11 comments to A Book a Week – Gone Girl

  • Gypsy

    I don’t usually read books like that (usually more of a YA Fiction girl) but I have read Gone Girl. I also found it quite frustrating at times. The characters were both very unlikable. And the ending just made me mad. But I would say I enjoyed it overall maybe more just because it was a departure from my usual reading.

  • Gypsy

    I was just thinking if you can get it in the US try Memory by Margaret Mahy- it’s quite old but it’s one of my favourites. I’m not sure if I can explain why because I haven’t read it in a while but it has stuck with me for the past 20+ years as special. I like all her books YA and picture books she is a fave with my 5 and 2 year old as well.

  • Tiffany

    Thanks for your review. I too have this on my list to read because I saw it everywhere. Now I can spend my reading time reading something else.

  • Thanks for posting this! I started reading it a few months ago because everyone was talking about it. I deleted it because I hated the first few pages. But it’s still everywhere so I was going to try again. Thanks for the push to not waste my time!

  • I listened to the audio of this book, which was done well. There was actually a male & female reader alternating chapters. I had issues with it, but I would still say it was an ok book. I did like the twist though. I normally read mystery serials, so like Gypsy I think I enjoyed it partly because it was something different. I read another of her books that I liked better (forgot name) & I just got the last one I haven’t read yet.

  • Well you can bet I won’t be picking this one up. 🙂

  • Barb

    I hated the book also, was a waste of time.

  • My Bookclub has picked this for next month, now I’m torn about whether to bother! Maybe an audiobook is the answer.

  • impy

    I didn’t like the foul language, and quit on the audio early.

  • I totally agree. I hated it too!

  • I agree! The book had a great publicity team…..can’t believe all te press and that I saw this book on best seller lists when it was so completely shallow…really no story …twist was ehhh….I agree, complete waste of time!

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