
Life seems to be so very crazy lately. I feel like the days are racing by. The books I want to read are piling up. I’m falling behind in the art I want to create. The emails are out of control. I can’t seem to sit down and write here. I am not taking photos that document our life. Even the Tivo is filling up. It feels like a constant catch-up game. Please tell me some of you out there are feeling this, too?

I don’t really know what happened to September and October. In another week we’re going to be into November. I can’t believe 2012 is almost over.

I often go into what I consider to be a resting period starting mid-November or so. I think maybe it’s just starting earlier this year. I basically slow down. A lot. And lately I’ve been feeling an overwhelming need to slow down my “typical” routines.

I’ve had deadlines and todos for some of my regular commitments. And work, of course. Taking the kids to school and back, sitting to oversee homework, teaching the little one to read, and just trying to kiss them as much as I can. I’ve also been giving sample sessions and coaching sessions for new clients. I’ve been going to class.

But when there’s a moment of quiet, I’ve been wanting to do nothing. Nothing.

Nothing is not a common state for me. In fact I have a lot to write about the Default Mode Network of the brain and the flow mode. Both of which we covered in class this week, but that’s for another day. I like to fill my minutes up. I like to read and do art and work on my savor project.

But not lately. I feel a stronger pull to veg out than usual. This is common for the holiday season, but I’ve never felt it happen so early in the year. During the holidays I read pretty much non stop. I read books I’ve been piling all year. I drop all my projects and self-commitments and just do what I want. I do it all guilt free. It’s the joy of December.

And I think maybe this year I have to start it early.

Maybe all this resistance is a sign that I need an extended December this year.

So I am officially letting myself off the hook. I will do only what I want, when I want. I will continue my commitments to others. I will show up for my kids. I will be teaching the December Daily Boot Camp for Gossamer Blue and the 12 Days of Christmas for Big Picture Classes. I will be coaching. I will be going to class. I will be exercising. But other than those, I am going let myself relax. Stress free and guilt free. I will do what I want, when I want. If some of my personal projects go by the wayside for November, so be it.

Instead, the books will get read, TV will be watched, there will be snuggles, resting, sleeping, planning for 2013, and hopefully solid amounts of meditation.

Bring it On.

10 comments to Hibernation

  • Brenda in Sunny SoCal

    My feelings exactly, I’ve been playing catch up since the school year started with no end in site.
    Take care and carry on it will all get sorted out, or at least that’s what I keep telling myself.

  • Lycia

    Same feelings here. Unfortunately, I don’t have a plan in place to stop the insanity :(.

  • Sophie

    Yep, your post pretty much sums it up for me too. Think I will let myself off the hook too, as much as I can.

  • Cheryl

    Thank goodness I’m not alone. All I seem to want to do lately is nothing!

  • Kim

    I think we are all evolving into bears.

  • I hear this. I get this. Very good that you put it into words and are honoring your intuition. Sometimes I wonder why, with so many gizmos and gadgets that are supposed to SAVE time (like dishwashers, washers and dryers, not to mention the internet, apps, hi speed transportation, and the like), we all feel like we have LESS time. All that time we save by not waiting for the dough to rise — where does it go? I love this post.

  • Liz

    You are not alone. I’m in a career transition which is making me juggle 4 income sources at the moment (two part time jobs and two businesses) and at this moment, I’m staring at an overwhelmingly incomplete and unattempted to do list and trying not to have a panic attack. I have so many things that need to be done that I am paralyzed by them most days. I am looking forward to the day when things aren’t as crazy.

  • mel

    Nothing wrong with doing what you want : ) Am excited for your December Classes I adore Dec Daily.

  • Deborah

    I follow your blog and you exhaust me!

    Your children won’t be young very long.

    Enjoy the fruits of your labor and thank you for your sharing spirit. Treat yourself with loving kindness.

  • As I started reading your post I sat here nodding my head over and over. That first paragraph completely describes my life. My kids are all in college now, and I’m struggling with settling into this new life of an empty nester. I need a schedule or a plan or something! I just feel so out of it.

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