Daily Photo – January 2 2009

Here’s David dancing to Pink’s “So What.” His new favorite song. He
rocks out while the song plays and I love watching all of his moves and
the faces he makes.

Another quiet day in the household. David and I spent the morning
relaxing in bed while I read a book and he watched Thomas on the DVD
player. Then we read some books together on the couch and I caught up on
my email and blogs. I have bit of a list of chores to do today like
getting groceries and doing laundry and cleaning up my scrap space which
has gotten completely out of control. But nothing urgent and it’s nice
to know that I can just take the day to relax and read and enjoy my life.

And, yes, my Christmas stuff is still up. I decided I won’t take
anything down until the next garbage day which is Thursday next week so
I can enjoy my tree for another few days.

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