Weekly Diary – March 9 2013

Here are some snapshots from our week:

love this face by David.

we went canoeing for the first time (for all of us but Jake).

and then watched the ducks.

another canoeing shot.

and proof that I was there, too.

nathaniel was at a birthday party for one of our neighbors and he won these blow-up toys.

he loves them.

we went to the library and while I was sitting and reading, I noticed he found his way to the computer and just got cozy.

here’s david’s pile. he has hardcore physics books, tintin comics, some kids’ fiction and some fun nonfiction. my boy has a wide range.

then we went to the park where the boys threw balls around.

i was too lazy to really process these right.

so some of the color is off but i still love them!

mostly seeing the joy.

and how grown up he is.

and how cute he is.

look at that boy.


the Nathaniel decided to tackle david.

so of course i snapped and snapped.

and snapped.

then it was family photo time.

nathaniel telling what he loves.


and more tickling.

lest you think it’s always laughs, there’s random crying for not getting exactly his way.

but thankfully we return to laughter.

and here we go. so grateful for my life. i hope your week was lovely, too.

Weekly Diary is a project for 2013. You can read more about it here.

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