Weekly Diary – April 27 2013

A lot of photos this time around. Here are some snapshots from our week:

during the long week, Nathaniel spent some time doing this while I worked.

Then, we went to CalDay at University of California, Berkeley. David’s using a geiger counter.

Nathaniel found some magnets.

and then sound waves.

which was probably my favorite.

some more magnets. look at his face and joy here.

more magnets.

he was having fun too!

he wrote on the black boards.

as david spent time looking through a microscope.

even on the way home we laughed.

and giggled.

this week was also Nathaniel’s fourth birthday.

he was being silly as always.

but i managed to snap one photo.

right as he blew his candle.

my sweet boy.

he dug right into his cupcake.

he loved it.

he got a beanbag toss toy but, of course, he decided to use it his own way.

and as soon as he saw me…

he roared like a dino!

we also went to his school to celebrate with him.

we made yogurt parfaits.

which he loved and ate.

david came too and he got to hold the chickens that had just hatched in Nathaniel’s preschool classroom.

then we got to do the celebration where Nathaniel got to be the sun.

and chose David as his moon.

as the moon went around the sun once, Nathaniel bounced and bounced. He would not stop bouncing the whole time.

he was way too happy.

and giddy.

after the 4 times around the sun, Nathaniel said his wish for his fourth year (that he get good at biking and scootering) and then they sang to him and then he went all around the class and each of us got to give him our wishes. It was truly magical.

then it was family photo time.

i love my family so much.

and feel blessed to have them.

love our tickle time.

and all of the laughter.

and here we go. so grateful for my life. i hope your week was lovely, too.

Weekly Diary is a project for 2013. You can read more about it here.

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