Daily Year of Yes – 80

Year of Yes – 80

The people who built our house made choices that conflicted with each other. They put a large, deep tub in our bedroom and then they put a small water heater that ran out of hot water before the tub filled about halfway.

When I was younger, one of my favorite ways to relax was to fill the tub, grab my book, some fruit and a delicious drink and soak in the tub for hours.

It’s one of the few ways I can relax fully into the present moment.

After we moved in, it quickly became clear I wasn’t going to be able to take baths in this house. My wonderful hubby thought of some crazy, creative ideas that involved having two simultaneous kettles going and mixing boiling water with cold water to fill the tub. The amount of effort required overshadowed the peace pretty heavily.

Ten years passed and I pretty much gave up on taking baths.

Then this past winter, it was finally time to get a new heater. This is when we had the option to spend a little more upfront and get a tankless heater. I knew that this could mean I could take baths again. But at this point I’d forgotten all about how it felt and wasn’t sure it was worth the money after all.

But we did it anyway. ( For a multitude of reasons including this. )

At first, I didn’t take any baths even though I now could. I had made up stories about how I didn’t really need it or how it was a waste of time or water.

But then I decided to commit to one bath a week for my 100 days of radical wellness project.

And once I started there was no going back.

I remembered how calming and relaxing it feels. Like a warm hug all over. Like all the weight is lifted off my body and soul. Like I can release all that I’ve been dragging around with me.

And now I’m wondering what else have I talked myself out of in the last ten years. What else am I missing out on? How can I recover it?

Yes to baths and relaxing and yes to re-finding the calm and serenity they give me.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

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