Daily Year of Yes – 347

Year of Yes – 347


We usually go climbing Mondays and Thursdays. This is a very long week at work and I’ve been exercising a lot so I didn’t even feel like going tonight but then I decided it was good to get out of the house and move my body.

I promised myself that I would stick to easy routes only. I usually try to go up a grade with each climb but my plan tonight was to stick to easy.

So instead of.going harder I ended up going faster. I did 2-3 routes back to back in the time I would have done one and ended the night with twice as many routes total.

Which was a lesson in remembering that there are different ways of pushing yourself and if you’re not in the mood to do one, you can still do the other.

Sore and grateful now.

Yes to trying different ways.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

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