2017 Stories – 02 – Teaching Each Other

My boys each play an instrument. David started learning the guitar in the summer of second (or maybe third) grade. And Nathaniel started the piano just this past summer. Even though they wanted to play these instruments, I am constantly having to remind them to practice. It’s always met with much whining. But we still keep at it. And I absolutely adore the way in which my children can create music. It’s such a joy.

One of the greatest moments of the holiday break, for me, came when I told the kids they had to practice and after the whining and moaning, I joked that they were welcome to play each other’s instruments. Next thing I know, that’s exactly what they did! Nathaniel taught David how to play his song on the piano and David taught Nathaniel how to play the guitar (or tried to.)

It was the best moment, ever.

2017 Stories – 01 – One Little Word Class


I take a lot of classes each year. I take classes on self-reflection, classes about drawing, literature, mixed media, and whatever else I can get my hands on. I have found over the years that taking classes is a way for me to take the time to do the things I already want to do. If I decide I want to learn to sketch on my own, I might never make the time for it, but if I take a sketching class, I will take the time to do my homework, to listen to the lectures, and to practice. I am a dutiful student which means that taking classes is a good strategy for me to encourage myself to move in the direction I want.

Ali’s One Little Word is one of my very favorites. I’ve taken this course since she’s started offering it. Initially at Big Picture Scrapbooking and then on her own site. It has the magical combination of reflection, art, mixed media and scrapbooking. This is one of those classes where I might not learn a new skill each month, but I am learning how to live my life more intentionally. I am learning more about myself. I am learning more about how I want to live my life. I am learning to pause and reflect on my life while I am living it.

This class has never let me down. Here’s to starting the year intentionally.

Stories from 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.