Stories from 2018 – 02 – Marine Headlands

On the last day 2017, the kids and Jake and I decided to go on a mini adventure. Years and years ago, when I was pregnant with Nathaniel, I had taken a mindfulness course at work and it included a day-long meditation at the Marine Headlands. It was one of the most peaceful days of my life and I’ve remembered it forever even though I didn’t remember where it was. Just a few days ago, I finally looked up the email so I could find out where it was and asked Jake if we could take a trip there so I could enjoy it again. 

So on New Year’s eve, we got in the car and drove all the way to Marin. The drive was long but so, so, so worth it. We had lovely views of the Golden Gate Bridge and then drove up to the very top. We also tried to go to the lighthouse but it was closed. 

The very best part, bar none, was Rodeo Beach. Which is my new favorite place. This whole day was an absolutely wonderful way to end the year and I am already making plans to go back to the beach.

Here are a lot of photos from our lovely day. 

Stories from 2018 is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018here.

Stories from 2018 – 01 – Still Hopeful

My boys are growing up which means they are spending more and more time bickering and arguing. Especially David, who is almost a teenager, is easily annoyed by the little boy. And, of course, all of this breaks my heart. I get sad watching them bicker. I get sad watching how cruelly David can speak to Nathaniel. I get sad watching their dynamic change and degrade. 

But then there are moments like this. Moments where Nathaniel is too sick to be in the cold weather outside and David is playing with his new Christmas toy outside but wants to share it with Nathaniel, too, so they write each other notes and communicate that way.

Moments where I remember that this is what it means to be a sibling. You argue all the time but you also share all the memories of your childhood together. And those years and years and years of shared memories bind you in ways nothing else can. In ways that you will remember and reminisce over for the rest of your life. And that bond is special. That bond is why we wanted to make sure to have two kids. 

And moments like this remind me that there’s still hope for the two of them. Slivers of joyous moments where they cherish each other’s company.  

Stories from 2018 is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018here.