Weekly Diary – June 15 2014

I am finally catching up on my photos i think this should be the last of them:

we went strawberry picking

it was quite windy and cold, which is actually nice

since it’s usually really hot.

the boys had a wonderful time. the berries were delicious.

and they were so happy.

we intended to pick just a bit.

but we couldn’t stop.

it was just too much fun.

David performed “Demons” for his school Talent Show. He was really awesome and it was such a brave thing to do. We were very proud of him.

Nathaniel finished Preschool and one of the classmates’ mom had a little graduation ceremony.

they got to make cap and gowns.

and waited in line for their little package.

he looks unhappy but he was really happy the whole day.

when we went back for his portfolio we snapped a photo with his teachers.

and then it was family photo time.

we made lots of funny faces.

nathaniel’s “blankie” made an appearance.

and then it’s tickle time.

my favorite!!

and here we go. so grateful for my life. i hope your week was lovely, too.

Weekly Diary is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

Weekly Diary – June 8 2014

I am trying to play catch up again:

the light lately seems to be even worse in early morning.

my hair is all gray in these photos.

but we are all still full of joy

and laughter.

and here we go. so grateful for my life. i hope your week was lovely, too.

Weekly Diary is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

Weekly Diary – June 1 2014

I am trying to play catch up again. I will get better about these:

the light lately seems to be bad here so these are blurry.

these were right after N’s party at school so he’s covered with hair paint.

face paint.

and tattoos. 19 of them.

doesn’t he look fierce?.

even while laughing.

and here we go. so grateful for my life. i hope your week was lovely, too.

Weekly Diary is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

Weekly Diary – May 25 2014

I haven’t posted in three weeks so there are a lot of photos here, feel free to ignore them:

boys playing in the backyard.

nathaniel spent a lot of time in his Pjs and in boxes.

quite happy.

his little mother’s day card. i love it.

and the cover.

drawing in his time machine.

so very content. i love this boy.

some more art.

Jake’s parents visited for grandparents day.

and i took the opportunity to snap photos of course.

it had been such a long time.

since i took anything with them.

and i love these.

my sweet inlaws.

jake’s mom totally redid out front yard.

the boys loved helping.

he had promised the boys, so jake got a diet coke and some mentos.

he’s dropping them into the soda here.

and boom!!

david loved it.

the next day, we went hiking.

nathaniel made funny faces

and then some more.

he made us laugh and laugh.

then they left and a few days later my sister came to town.

we took the boys to swim class.

and snapped photos of course.

we walked around and the boys played on her phone

and i snapped shots.

and more

they ate it up.

then Jake took some of us.

and we laughed.

and hugged.

and laughed more.

and she took some of Jake and me too.

then we took the kids to the park.

where they had fun.

and i snapped photos.

i love seeing them so happy.

and jake took photos of us, too.

it was so very joyful.

then it was family photo time.

nathaniel was entertained.

we love video games.

and tickle time!!

and here we go. so grateful for my life. i hope your week was lovely, too.

Weekly Diary is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

Weekly Diary – May 18 2014

one more week of backfill:

nathaniel’s face has a red blotch.

and i have no idea why.

but i love the photos anyway.

and here we go. so grateful for my life. i hope your week was lovely, too.

Weekly Diary is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

Weekly Diary – May 11 2014

these are family photos just to back fill because we did take them:

they are blurry i know

but they were our only chance this week

and so we went with it.

and here we go. so grateful for my life. i hope your week was lovely, too.

Weekly Diary is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

Weekly Diary – May 4 2014

Here are some photos from this week.This week was mostly about Nathaniel’s Fifth Birthday.:

We got back from Yosemite in time for our local easter celebration but N’s eye was still hurting and he had a fever so he only got to go out for 10 minutes.

Thankfully on his birthday he was back to being fully healthy.

like his brother he got a big balloon and a cupcake when he woke up.

which he blew out in one whiff.

David got to go spend time with him at school a bit.

they are looking up where Turkey is.

then Nathaniel got to do his celebration at school. Here he’s telling his teacher how big he was at birth.

and the earth is going around the sun one more time.

nathaniel wanted his brother to be the sun with him this year.

and finally he’s five and gets to blow out the candle. I love the way they celebrate at his school.

He got some Mo Willems books because he’s our favorite author!

and some legos and magnets.

and the Mo Willems Pigeon activity book (which I think he liked, don’t you think so?)

that weekend, we did a small celebration in our little park as we’ve done every year since we lived here.

it’s been nice to see all the kids grow up over the years.

Nathaniel was so happy to be there.

it is so lovely to see his smiling face

and here’s the cake he picked. it was quite delicious.

then it was photo time.

love my family so much.

especially that they put up with my photos.

and smile when i ask (or threaten no video games if they don’t.)

and let me tickle despite not liking it.

and here we go. so grateful for my life. i hope your week was lovely, too.

Weekly Diary is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

Weekly Diary – April 27 2014

Here are some photos from this week. We went to Yosemite for a few days so most of my shots are from there but I changed to my wide angle which I don’t think is as good (or I don’t know how to use it as well.):

The first thing we did was to get ice cream of course.

they weren’t thrilled to pose for photos, they wanted to run around.

per my goal for 2014, I asked Jake to take pictures of us.

even though the boys weren’t so excited about it.

but they did it to make me happy.

and happy i was.

love having photos with my boys.

and I snapped some of the boys with their dad, too!

nathaniel insisted I take some photos on top of the rocks.

then i got in one more shot with my boys.

and we were back to rock posing.

he had a whole routine planned.

then it was David’s turn.

and one with both boys.

that afternoon, the boys took a bike tour and Nathaniel was in a trailer and he got something in his eye. We thought it would go away but when he was still hurting the next morning (and he was burning up, too.), so we decided to drive back home in time to make it to the doctor’s office. When we got there, he didn’t seem to have anything wrong with his eye but he gave Nathaniel a patch in case it would help relax him and sent us on our way.

The next day was easter celebration in our little complex. I knew Nathaniel really wanted to go but he was still pretty sick. So we stopped for about 5 minutes, got a few eggs and I snapped one photo.

and that was it for Easter. He was sick for 3 more days but he’s back to his wonderful self, now.

we took these on his 5th birthday! (photos from that coming next week.)

there was much tickling.

and so much laughter.

and here we go. so grateful for my life. i hope your week was lovely, too.

Weekly Diary is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

Weekly Diary – April 20 2014

Here are some photos from this week:

We took the boys to Cal Day at the University of California, Berkeley.

we spent most of the day touring the physics exhibits.

since those are david’s favorite

and the little boy was accommodating.

we watched an hour-long physics lecture that was awesome.

i snapped some photos.

and asked jake to snap some too.

getting in the photo per my promise.

the next day, the boys spent some time playing with chalk

nathaniel made some sheep and david wrote formulas.

then he had an idea.

to make footprints along the sidewalk

nathaniel made some too and they made the footprints meet with a heart and a rainbow.

they asked me to take a photo and i obliged gratefully

love these boys.

then it was family photo time.

nathaniel doesn’t like to join in if what we love is not his idea.

and tickle time!

still my favorite.

and here we go. so grateful for my life. i hope your week was lovely, too.

Weekly Diary is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

Weekly Diary – April 13 2014

Just a few photos from this week:

The boys like to play Stratego.

and I like watching them.

especially when there’s laughter

we also made our own ice cream sandwich cake.

the little boy made some magnet creations.

while I worked.

then we visited david at school where the 3rd graders presented their nonfiction books. David’s was on quantum physics.

then it was family photo time.

and tickle time!

and here we go. so grateful for my life. i hope your week was lovely, too.

Weekly Diary is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

Weekly Diary – April 6 2014

Just a few photos from this week:

Not the best photo but I still like being in it with my boys. Taken from jake’s phone.

nathaniel made masks at school this week. cheetah.



and laughter.

love all this laughter.

and here we go. so grateful for my life. i hope your week was lovely, too.

Weekly Diary is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

Weekly Diary – March 30 2014

Here are photos from this week:

Nathaniel made a cool lego creation.

so we photographed it from every angle.

i love it.

David went to the ophthalmologist this week as we thought his eye might be deteriorating. As it worked out, he was just fine (20/20 vision) but the doctor dilated his pupils so we snapped a shot.

they gave him these cool glasses to protect his eyes.

and they gave a pair for the little boy, too.

and here’s our photos of the week.

i love my family so much. so grateful.

we love minecraft!

tickle time – not david’s favorite.

but i love it.

so we’re keeping it.

and here we go. so grateful for my life. i hope your week was lovely, too.

Weekly Diary is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.