Weekly Diary – April 13 2013

Here are some snapshots from our week:

The kids were off for Spring Break last week but since I had a lot of work, we weren’t able to go anywhere. My week got lighter suddenly on Friday so we decided to take a last minute trip to Tiburon. It was the best decision ever. We stayed at the beautiful Water’s Edge hotel and our room overlooked the water. The kids played on the deck. This is David writing my name using the rocks.

then sketching the San Fran skyline. He did a lot of sketching all weekend.

my sweet boy.

we played in the room for a while and then took a walk along the path to get to the restaurant we’d reserved for dinner.

I tried to take a shot of all three boys. but alas it wasn’t meant to be.

Nathaniel would not stop running. He just loved being there.

David loved climbing the rocks.

so Nathaniel wanted to do it, too, of course.

all the boys thought climbing the rocks was awesome.

I just watched and shot photos.

it was fun to get to be the one taking the photos.

at the restaurant, I just snapped a million more while we waited for dinner.

the boys were kind enough to let me.

they were having fun.

laughing a lot.

watching the boats out the window.

and sketching.

checking out more of the scenery.

Nathaniel said he’ll act like he’s cold so I can take a photo.

David made silly faces at me.

then there was hugging.


making more funny faces.

and kissing. then the sun went down so there were no more photos.

the next morning, the boys played and looked at the scenery while I read and Jake watched a movie.

and then we went to take a photo for David’s school.

then it was family photo time. laughing like crazy.

and hugging time.

and tickle time.

and here we go. so grateful for my life. i hope your week was lovely, too.

Weekly Diary is a project for 2013. You can read more about it here.

Weekly Diary – April 6 2013

Here are some snapshots from our week:

we did a neighborhood trick or treat this year so all the kids did it together

my boys loved it

they kept looking for more and more eggs

it was fun because there were so very many

I told Nathaniel I had to take a photo before he ate, he was quite impatient but obliged.

and one more with both of them.

then we went down to David’s favorite place.

NASA AMES exploration center.

david was giddy with joy.

Nathaniel was too impatient to even pose.

the boys explored and explored.

david played with this universe simulator and Nathaniel watched him. I love the way he’s watching here.

then it was family photos.

we love plants vs zombies!

and hugging time.

and here we go. so grateful for my life. i hope your week was lovely, too.

Weekly Diary is a project for 2013. You can read more about it here.

Weekly Diary – March 30 2013

Here are some snapshots from our week:

there’s a pond near here that we like to drive to sometimes and I love taking a walk with the birds, the planes (it’s near an airport) and the green!

it always makes me happy to be near water. Any kind of water.

we went to this wonderful museum of children’s art in Oakland. The kids started with the painting wall.

it took a little while for Nathaniel to get into it but once he got it, he loved it.

so did David.

he painted a scene.

and Nathaniel checked out all the fun tools.

they even got along relatively well.

and here’s david’s boat almost done.

then he just had fun.

then it was time to do a pop-up scene. this week’s theme was gardens. but the kids just did their own thing, of course.

there were sequins and gluing and just having a ton of fun.

next up was a mr. potato-head competition.

here’s Nathaniel’s under way.

the boys working and hot glueing.

David’s all done. I love love love this.

Then we went to lunch. I snapped some photos while we waited. for a long long long time.

my sweet boy.

my other sweet boy.

i am so grateful for these kids.

after lunch, we went back and it was time to play with clay.

The kids really loved doing whatever they wanted.

Nathaniel and I made this one.

and here’s his finished Mr. Potato.

Then it was family photo time.

there was hugging.

and laughing of course!

and here we go. so grateful for my life. i hope your week was lovely, too.

Weekly Diary is a project for 2013. You can read more about it here.

Weekly Diary – March 23 2013

Here are some snapshots from our week:

we went to the Cartoon Art Museum in the city.

the lighting wasn’t camera-friendly of course.

but i snapped away anyway.

they had a TV playing looney tunes and the boys loved it.

I think this is meant to be a cartoon frame but Nathaniel was so small, it sort of didn’t work.

they were doing a promo for GI Joe 2 and there was a cartoonist drawing live and gifted the kids a few drawings.

then we went to Reverie again and I snapped shots of the boys while we waited for food.

i love these photos.

look at how similar they look.

then it was nathaniel’s turn.

facing daddy but looking at me.

after that we went to the pirate store on 826 Valencia which was a ton of fun.

the kids explored and played.

i think they liked the swords the best.

it was fun watching them play.

then it was family photo time.

Nathaniel’s counting until we say “We love Legos!”.

hug-time which was more like “grab your brother” time.

the boys were messing around and laughing like crazy so I grabbed my camera and snapped away.

even tho they are blurry i love them.

especially the hugging and kissing!

Nathaniel posed with his hat for me, too.

and here we go. so grateful for my life. i hope your week was lovely, too.

Weekly Diary is a project for 2013. You can read more about it here.

Weekly Diary – March 16 2013

Here are some snapshots from our week:

we went to Randall museum and I tried to snap a photo in the parking lot but Nathaniel wasn’t having it.

and when Jake grabbed him, he made his silly face

the kids played with the earthquake simulator.

seeing the world like a fly sees the world.

puppet shows!

then we went to one of my favorite places in the city: Cafe Reverie so I snapped photos while we waited for our food.

love my boys.

and love love love this man.

the next morning we played with sidewalk chalk.

we started in the backyard.

they played tic-tac-toe.

then we moved to the front yard.

Nathaniel started this long line.

and kept at it.

up and up.

all the way up to me.

then David set up his legos and started taking shots for a stop motion movie.

then it was time for family shots.

nathaniel had no attention span of course.

and kept telling us stories.

we were shouting we love legos!

look at the excitement.

happy boys.

then tickling.

more tickling.

and ended up with a family hug.

and here we go. so grateful for my life. i hope your week was lovely, too.

Weekly Diary is a project for 2013. You can read more about it here.

Weekly Diary – March 9 2013

Here are some snapshots from our week:

love this face by David.

we went canoeing for the first time (for all of us but Jake).

and then watched the ducks.

another canoeing shot.

and proof that I was there, too.

nathaniel was at a birthday party for one of our neighbors and he won these blow-up toys.

he loves them.

we went to the library and while I was sitting and reading, I noticed he found his way to the computer and just got cozy.

here’s david’s pile. he has hardcore physics books, tintin comics, some kids’ fiction and some fun nonfiction. my boy has a wide range.

then we went to the park where the boys threw balls around.

i was too lazy to really process these right.

so some of the color is off but i still love them!

mostly seeing the joy.

and how grown up he is.

and how cute he is.

look at that boy.


the Nathaniel decided to tackle david.

so of course i snapped and snapped.

and snapped.

then it was family photo time.

nathaniel telling what he loves.


and more tickling.

lest you think it’s always laughs, there’s random crying for not getting exactly his way.

but thankfully we return to laughter.

and here we go. so grateful for my life. i hope your week was lovely, too.

Weekly Diary is a project for 2013. You can read more about it here.

Weekly Diary – March 2 2013

Here are some snapshots from our week:

the boys playing Dinosaur Bingo.

I love having two.

and watching them interact.

David doing his gratitude card.

reading Calvin and Hobbes to his little brother.

love seeing that, too.

we also went to the hidden villa farm so the kids could walk and run around.

i took photos, of course.

and got some special moments.

so love my boys!

so so much.

we saw chickens, piglets, cows and sheep!

This was a long week at work, so Nathaniel ended up watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on the ipad a few times. He was happy, of course.

then it was photo-time.

Nathaniel was joking around again.

tickling and laughing.

saying “we love legoland!”

see Nathaniel really getting into it.

making us laugh.

and here we go. so grateful for my life. i hope your week was lovely, too.

Weekly Diary is a project for 2013. You can read more about it here.

Weekly Diary – February 23 2013

Here are some snapshots from our week:

singing happy birthday to my sister. I love you so much Yona!!

we went to foothill park on friday.

i tried several times

but just got a bunch of funny shots of my boys.

the boys fed the ducks.

watched the water.

and little boy joined in, too, of course.

i loved seeing them together.

the next day we went hiking.

they walked together which meant so did Jake and I, it was really nice.

David liked climbing around.

and carrying a big stick.

Nathaniel just liked running around.

i love him so.

i tried to get them to pose. but they wanted to make funny faces.

i just kept taking shots anyway.

i caught this special moment.

and then it was family photos.

which is consistently full of laughter lately.

best moments of my week.

and here we go. so grateful for my life. i hope your week was lovely, too.

Weekly Diary is a project for 2013. You can read more about it here.

Weekly Diary – February 16 2013

Here are some snapshots from our week:

David’s writing class was over so they all got to present by reading their stories.

Nathaniel and I printed these awesome valentines.

we stamped his name and a generic “you” for all of them

here he is stamping the “you”s.

and here they are, all done.

he’s counting them. we ended up doing the same ones for David, too.

the weather has finally gotten warmer here so we played in the back yard a bunch.

nathaniel loved watching his brother, of course.

they played ball.

and then he played alone a bunch cause David was already inside

playing with dominos.

they didn’t feel like posing for me.

here’s nathaniel setting up our photo shoot.

much laughter.

and more laughter.

an attempt to take a “nice” one and you can see Nathaniel was quite wiggly.

he tried to pose but it just wasn’t happening. so it goes. I’ll take the laughter anytime.

and here we go. so grateful for my life. i hope your week was lovely, too.

Weekly Diary is a project for 2013. You can read more about it here.

Weekly Diary – February 9 2013

Lots of photos this time. Here are some snapshots from our week:

The boys were playing in the alley behind our house so I visited them to take some photos.

throwing balls with daddy.

i love how much of their personality shines in the photos.

and how much it makes my heart swell with love.

my boy has gotten so big and it makes me sad how quickly time passes.

thankfully i have a little one, too.

who is always happy to pose for me (see how the hand is on the waist, love that!)

so is his big brother!

little boy’s learning to throw.

pretty good, so far!

look how tall he is! doesn’t look like a kid anymore.

the next day, we went to home depot. normally Jake’s the one who takes them but I tagged along to take photos.

nathaniel hadn’t had a chance to eat so he munched.

while the big boys worked.

then we got to work, too.

David really enjoys these sessions.

Nathaniel never misses an opportunity to laugh.

and here are our Valentine’s card holders.

then they visit the sheds in the parking lot.

David’s favorite thing to do.

yesterday was David’s birthday, I woke him up with a cupcake and a candle. we then went out to breakfast and dropped him off to school.

we then went back to his class to celebrate with the whole class.

after school, he wanted to go to a ceramic-painting place.

he picked a transformer.

we finished it and then signed the date on the bottom.

there’s our final product before it’s in the kiln.

then we went to dinner together and he got to open his presents. He was so grateful and happy. He’s such a sweet, good kid.

and then it was family photo time.

much laughter again, as always.

i don’t even try to be serious anymore.

and here we go. so grateful for my life. i hope your week was lovely, too.

Weekly Diary is a project for 2013. You can read more about it here.

Weekly Diary – February 2 2013

Here are some snapshots from our week:

The night before we left for Tahoe, David left me this note.

On our first night there, we went skating. A first for both kids. I didn’t have my camera so this crappy photo is all we got.

Nathaniel packed his own bad and cuddled into bed the minute we got into the hotel so he could take out his books.

my boys.

David colored this little page at the pizza place and they hung it up which made him happy.

the next morning we went tubing. Nathaniel wasn’t a fan so he did it twice and we stopped. David and Daddy continued for a long time.

we then went cross-country skiing and show-shoeing. It was super-windy but the kids still loved it.

And were being their silly selves.

then we came back home. the kids spent some time playing with legos.

Nathaniel made a card for his teacher.

and then gave it to her.

she’s an awesome teacher.

we then went to David’s class for his presentation.

but first there was circle time.

David presented a favorite book, Calvin and Hobbes.

Nathaniel had a nap. Actually he doesn’t nap anymore, mostly lies in bed and reads.

here he is being a bucket-head zombie (from a game they like to play.)

David doing homework.

then it was photo-time. Nathaniel was being all crazy again.

he kept laughing and laughing.

I tried to tell him to be quieter.

but he wasn’t hearing it.

and right in the middle he farted.


and here we go. so grateful for my life. i hope your week was lovely, too.

Weekly Diary is a project for 2013. You can read more about it here.

Weekly Diary – January 26 2013

Here are some snapshots from our week:

Nathaniel working on his gratitude journal.

the smiles he gives me when he’s clearly busy doing something else.

like playing games.

his brother does the same.

Nathaniel got this game for the holidays that he loves loves loves.

and I loved playing it with him.

david got this little book as the star of the week where it was full of kind words from each of his classmates. I love it so much.

Nathaniel was extra giggly and wiggly this week.

he wouldn’t stop giggling. It was so cute.

it helped all of us be happier.

and made this week’s photos that much more fun!

and here we go. so grateful for my life. i hope your week was lovely, too.

Weekly Diary is a project for 2013. You can read more about it here.