2017 Stories – 37 – Jake’s Birthday

Jake and I have back-to-back birthdays. We’re exactly one week apart and he comes first. Even though today is mine, last Tuesday was his.

As of a few years ago, we make a point to take both of our birthdays off work and make sure to spend it with each other. (Maybe when the kids are gone we can take the whole week from his day to mine.)

This year was the most unplanned I’ve been and I felt terrible about it. We still managed to get some reservation at a lovely place in the city and had a delicious lunch. We spent most of his special day shopping for me but of course he was completely gracious about it and so, so kind. It was just so lovely being only the two of us. I’ve now been with Jake for 25 years and he’s the best person I’ve ever met. 

I am so lucky and so grateful to have his love, and to have him in my day to day life to share my moments with, to raise kids with, to experience life with; he is the very best person to share my life with because he always makes it more colorful, more enjoyable and more full of love.

I love you with all my heart, my love, happy happy birthday. To many, many, many more together.


Stories from 2017 is a year-long project for 2017. You can read more about my projects for 2017 here.

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