Stronger Than Before – 36


Weekly Intention: This is a crazy week. I feel like I say that often. So today there’s no work or school(yay!) But then tomorrow midday I have a work social event which doesn’t get me home till 6:30pm or so. Wednesday’s even longer with getting home around 8 and it’s Jake’s birthday!! Poor Jake has to pickup the kids from a cross country meet on his birthday. And then Thursday is still my offsite which ends around 3 and I have to run back home to run to the kids’ school for back to school night. Friday I get to go to work for a little bit and then my inlaws come so that Jake and I can go away for the weekend (not really far away but we will not be at home so we can spend time just the two of us during the weekend between his and my birthday.) So a lot going on. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday will be really long, Friday will involve chaos and driving, and while the weekend will be awesome, I usually do a lot of work over the weekend and I will not be able to which will make next week a bit challenging (especially since I plan to take a few days off next week, too.) We’ll see how it all unfolds. On the upside every one of the individual things makes me happy so I will enjoy everything while I experience it and not worry about the next thing before it’s here. LEt’s see how well I can do being present in this moment.

This month’s intention is: Love Strong: This month is hard. There are transitions, new schedules and more. Use this month to think about what it would look like to love more. Love yourself more: more self-care and kindness. What boundaries can help you? Love Jake more: what’s something you can do for the two of you? Love your kids more: How can you help them with the transition? Oh this is lovely. This weekend is something I can do for the two of us and I will be thinking about the other questions, too. I love how serendipitous these feel!

One way I will stretch this week:  I am hoping the offsite will stretch me, and possibly the hiking will too because it usually hurts my back :/

One boundary I will set this week: when I am with Jake I will focus 100% on jake. 

This week, I will focus on pleasing: my husband. it’s his birthday week!! 

One new thing I will learn this week: how to make these offsites even better.

One area where I will go deeper this week: the curriculum for 8th grade.

What do I need to sit with this week? the chaos i know that will ensue when my colleague is back.

I am looking forward to: our weekend together. being by the water.

This week’s challenges: tuesday’s hike. honoring jake on his actual birthday, 3 really long days, transitioning to leaving the kids behind. not getting work done on the weekend.

Top Goals: 

  • Work:  do one more turn of the crank for october. be present.
  • Personal: run for 30 mins 3 times this week (maybe sun, mon, fri), one body pump, one hiit, refocus on good nutrition, meditate, journal, art+scrap, stretch, evening routine as much as possible
  • Family: cook for jake+celebrate Jake,  help kids with school+routine

I will focus on my values:

  • Love: love for my one and only husband! 
  • Learn:  i want to focus here to be on eating better this week. i did quite poorly last week.
  • Peace: peace with the long days
  • Service: to my team, to school, and mostly to JAKE! 🙂
  • Gratitude: my inlaws who flew here so we could have this time for ourselves.

This week, I want to remember: that i am super lucky and there are so many things to celebrate in all areas of my life!

Stronger Than Before is a year-long project for 2018. You can read more about my projects for 2018 here.

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