Weekly Reflection 2019 – 10

Magic I Saw this Week: This was a crazy long week filled with a lot of highs and a lot of lows. I saw rainbows, I saw people working together, I saw my kids working hard, I saw people excited about our college and its future, I saw excited kids who accomplish so many amazing things. I saw that there’s so many small touches in my day to day life that are magical.

Magic I Made this Week: I did yoga every day except Friday. We hosted a friend of Jake’s monday night and it was lovely. We built a prosthetic arm at work and that was magical. Going to science fair was magical and david winning first place was also magical. going back to a school even with jake where we talked a bit about our college years was magical.

Magic of Me that I explored Week: i did a bit of work on this, this week. I got my hair done on Monday. I had a really really bad experience at work on Thursday so I took Friday off and had a mental health day and spent the day with my friend Kelly which was truly magical. I spent a bunch of time thinking about my life and who I am and what I am willing to do (and not willing to do.) and read a lot. Good day for me.

Top Goals Review:  

  • Work: done with offsite + did some of perf + emptied out email but it’s full again 🙂
  • Personal: did daily drawing, did not journal, did yoga, and did not do a hike, was totally sane till Thursday when i just had the last drop
  • Family:  did science fair, did not do math with N, did not cook dinner once , worked with D. Some time with love of my life.

I celebrate: David. He won first place in science fair.

I am grateful for: my friend kelly this week.

This week, I exercised: i did yoga every day except Friday, twice on Thursday and then I did body pump on Monday.

Self-care this week: mental health day for the win.

I showed up for: my manager and my son.

I said yes to: having something to do every single night.

I said no to:  working at the state i was in on Friday.

Core Desired Feelings Check-in:

  • Embrace: i am embracing that i have a lot of feelings and need more time to figure them out.
  • Alive: it felt really alive to be with a friend on Friday.
  • Lighter: i feel lighter with the offsite done.
  • Kinder: i let several people be kind to me this week. feels very vulnerable but i tried.
  • Surrender: still reminding myself to surrender daily. it’s helping.

What I tolerated this week: a lot of long long days and very low lows.

My mood this week was: ok until Thursday which completely destroyed me for a while.

I am proud of: my children.

I forgive myself for: how i flew off the handle and how much all this is getting to me.

Here’s what I learned this week: i need to figure out what’s going on with me.

What I love right now: being able to sit on the couch and read.

Weekly Reflection is a year-long project for 2019. You can read more about my projects for 2019 here.

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