Weekly Art Journal – Daily Soulwork

Just when I thought Soul Restoration was over, they gave us a bonus lesson. So, of course, I had to sit and do it. As I knew, this is all continual work. I need to make it my focus each and every single day. Like with everything else, what I don’t pay attention wilts. I know this page is not really even worthy to call an art journal page but alas this is what I did so here it is. Sorry that it’s not so great visually or so super artistic. But, alas, here’s what I promised to do each day on this very simple page.

1. I will take quiet time each day: I find this restores my soul like no other. Time to rest my brain, my soul, my body and my heart.

2. I will get things done: I’ve written about this often. Getting things done is magical for me. It’s what makes me, me and I feel most at home with myself when I am getting things done.

3. I will spend time with my boys: All three of the men in my life are magical. They make me feel special. They bring me joy and happiness and fill me with gratitude. I will focus on them. I will not neglect them. They are truly my biggest priority.

4. I will take the time to journal: Journaling helps me stay centered. It helps me not only pinpoint issues but also find solutions. It works. Again and again. I will prioritize it. Every single day.

5. I will practice gratitude: I’ve already written oodles about it. Gratitude works. More than just about anything else. It keeps you aware of the good in your life. It’s a very important perspective.

6. I will take the time to exercise: I will value my health, my body, and show myself that I can do this. I can reach whatever goal I want. Even the ones that seem challenging and unreachable. Like exercise.

7. I will take photos of my family: photos help me be more in the moment. To focus, to pay attention. To look more carefully. To capture. To preserve. To live and re-live and appreciate and I am deeply grateful for them.

8. I will take the time to do art: Art makes me happy. It fulfills me in a way most other things don’t. I feel texture, color, pattern. I get messy. I am out of my element. I am using a different part of my brain than I do in the rest of my life. It feeds my soul. I am aiming to do a bit each day. Even if a tiny bit.

9. I will take the time to read: Reading, too, makes me happy. It takes me to worlds that I don’t otherwise get to inhabit. It helps my imagination. It calms me. It slows me down. It makes me feel at peace. It is probably the most peaceful thing I do. And peace is good.

These are the things that bring me peace. I want to feed the peace. The joy. The gratitude. The awareness. Taking time to do these is not selfish. It makes me a better person for me, for my family, for my friends. It makes me better at my job. It makes me better in life. It is worth taking the time each day to do them. And it’s daily work to keep the soul fed Just like my body. I feed my body with food. I feed my brain with work. I feed my heart with my husband and kids and family and friends. And I feed my soul with these.

They are just as essential as food.

Several people have asked me about Soul Restoration, I have a post coming up to talk about the class and my thoughts.

Weekly Art Journal is a weekly project for 2011. You can read more about it here.

5 comments to Weekly Art Journal – Daily Soulwork

  • Cheri Stine

    Karen, I’ve been getting your blogs for about a month now and look forward to the weekly art journal, but this one is the first one that made me think, ” I could do this, too”. So, while you may think that this one is “really not even worthy to call an art journal” and that it’s “not so great visually or so super artistic” it is effective in showing that it is the process of creating, not always the finished result, that is therapeutic in restoring the soul. I am looking forward to your upcoming post about this class because I want to get in on this incredible process.

  • I love it Karen! Artsy or not…well, I think it is! There are varying degrees and this still totally counts IMHO. šŸ™‚

  • Cheryl

    Sometimes less is more! Simple but elegant.

  • borcherding

    LOVE IT! Wish I could have afforded that class but just couldn’t do it. You’ve got some great pages posted about the class – really enjoy looking at them!

  • pedroza

    This is beautiful, I agree with taking time out and doing the things that makes us happy. One will be happier at the end.

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