
I’ve been feeling off for quite a few days now. Nothing huge, just a quiet discontent. But still frustrating and I do wish it would go away already. I have been looking for the source of the issue but have come up empty. Or at least I don’t seem to have this one thing to point at.

For a while it was my uprooted schedule, then it was hormones, and then it was the allergies. Alas, the allergies are still with me but everything else has passed and the feeling continues. I do know that some of it was coming from having to possibly go to jury duty tomorrow and all the unknowns that comes with. (It turns out I don’t have to go.) Some of the frustration was because I went out on a limb and sent some emails yesterday and they weren’t returned and that brought back a lot of my personal issues. Although, almost all of them wrote back today. I’ve been tired and somewhat craving chocolate. Neither of those help.

The fact is, there was no one thing wrong. Just a bunch of little things that gnawed at me and put me in a somewhat crappy mood.

Around midday, I got really mad at myself. I decided I had done enough moping and it was time to get up. I took a little walk, did a little art, and then got my work done.

The thing is, life doesn’t wait for my moodiness to pass. It doesn’t wait for anything. Life is happening around me constantly. Minutes are passing, days are ending. And it’s stupid of me to waste any of this very precious time by focusing on the little, inconsequential things. I may not have control over whether people write back to me or if I have to report to jury duty.

But I do have control over my mood.

I can choose not to pout and whine. My plan from now on is to try to change things up each time I feel this way. Maybe I take a walk. Or I call a friend. Or listen to music really loudly. Take another shower. Read a book. Nap. Set the alarm and work super-fast for 30 minutes.

Whatever it is, I just don’t want to waste precious minutes being moody. Life’s too short for that. It really, truly is. Maybe this is related to yesterday’s post about appreciating life. But, to me, it’s one thing to not take a pause to notice something. But it’s considerably worse to just choose to waste the moments with moodiness.

Here’s the thing about wasted moments: you never get them back.

5 comments to Moodiness

  • Sheri

    Hi Karen,
    I was feeling kind of down, blue too this week. For me, I think it comes with the end of day light savings and having to set our clocks back. It is getting darker earlier here (I am in Western Canada).

    I have been running with my husband. The harder and more intense the exercise the better I feel.

    Good luck with the rest of your week 🙂

  • dawn

    I agree with Sheri, could be the time change. This week has made me extra tired and having it dark when my hubby gets home isn’t fun. We are use to going out with the dog and playing with the kids and now we can’t.

    Hope your feeling better today and thanks for the reminder that we can control our moods. We are coming upon the busiest time of year and we all get a little crazy right now.

    hugs and SMILES,
    p.s. thank you for emailing me this week, I’m doing much much better. Look at my next journal page, I AM IN TAG HEAVEN!!!

  • Your post could not have come at a better time. That was me yesterday being moody, angry and feeling overwhelmed. I made a list of things that I wanted to accomplish, narrow my focus and get a few things done at home as well as watch a movie I had for a week, read my House Beautiful magazine that has been sitting on my nightstand for two months, finish the book Bossy Pants and delve into my decorating book. I want to sit on the couch by the window that I am rarely on and enjoy the warmth of the sun. I want to write or type a few stories for my upcoming scrapbook pages inspired by your Day 2 at Write. Click. Scrapbook. Thank you Karen, I don’t feel so alone when I’m just feeling out of sorts at times. : >

  • Olivia

    It must be the time change, even down here in the “sunny” South. I tend to get moody during the winter and truly often become Scrooge during the holidays. This year will be difficult again for us; we lost our home to fire in June. We are living with my parents. Space is limited; money is tight as I am also unemployed. I do freelance work as a photographer, but clients are few and far between right now. I am also a consultant/trainer for the Center for Teacher Effectiveness, but again, clients are few and far between. Yesterday, though, things changed. I went on an old-fashioned “road trip,” with my parents. We got in the car and the only destination was home at the end of the day. We drove to the mountains, found an apple orchard still open and bought apples, looked at the scenery, and just “hung out” together. That seemed to change things. Now, I have to keep the spirit and carry on.

  • It is posts like this that made me sign up for your class. You are keenly aware of the passage of time, and our need to redeem it, not waste it. I turned 60 11/23 and I am choosing from this point forward to NOT waste my remaining time.

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