Art Journaling – Fabriano Roma Set 10

Here are more pages I did during November:

The full text reads: The fastest way to get inspired is to start creating.

And here’s the next page:

Starting from here, I began to use my own handwriting so I could practice it daily.

The full text reads: Be patient with yourself. It takes time and practice.

And here’s the next page:

The full text reads: Take time to laugh and give a hug everyday.

And here’s the next page:

The full text reads: You decide who gets a piece of your heart. Choose wisely and carefully.

And here’s the next page:

The full text reads: One key to happiness is to practice gratitude.

Well here we go. More coming next week.

I am creating multiple art journaling pages a week for now. You can read more about this project here. This set uses the Fabriano Roma papers.

10 comments to Art Journaling – Fabriano Roma Set 10

  • I really like this series of art journals. The colors all coordinate so well!

  • just gorgeous! you have a knack for lettering!

  • Donna C

    I really like your handwriting on these pages – it ties things together nicely..

  • Donna C

    Just wondering where you get so many wonderful words of wisdom! They are always inspiring

  • zewa

    Hi Karen, how do you actually write these letters? Do you use a special pen? How do you know when the shadow each individual letter, how did you come with the font you use? Is there a specific class you took that inspired you and most importantly the the writing, os this your personal style or are you emulating someone else? I am very curious to learn these things from you?

    Thank you for sharing your progress on you art and your thoughtful posts (I am not in mourning anymore over the loss of the monthly newsletter πŸ™‚ The frequency and timeliness is just amazing!

  • Love these little pages. Filled with nuggets of wisdom but still colorful and lighthearted.

  • Allie.Duckienz

    Your Jump Start video REALLY inspired me and I have changed my studio around to have more arty stuff out. It has made a HUGE difference. I have saved your journal page ‘The fastest way to get inspired is to start creating’ as my desktop background now so that I can be inspired by you every day. Thanks for the reminder that I need to DO rather than think. I really admire you Karen. I am taking the advice that I have seen/heard you say several times in the last week or so to heart. I haven’t been putting the time and effort into my art lately. It is time to stop moaning and DO. Practise is the key. Thank you for reminding me that things won’t necessarily come easily but to continue doing them. Too often I have given up in life and looked at the next thing to try and find out what I am talented at. Well I have been given a love of art. Now the rest is up to be to turn that into a skill! Once again, THANK YOU. virtual hugs from New Zealand xxx

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