Drop by Drop

This post was posted on the Big Picture Classes blog a few weeks ago but I thought it would be good to post it here, too. I hope you like it.

In Turkish, we have a saying. It loosely translates to:

“Drop by drop, it becomes a lake.”

This is how time works. Negligible amounts of time dedicated to the small task can end up amounting to tangibile, visible changes in your life.

I wanted to share some examples of my personal projects with you today. I will share three different examples with you. Just to show you that the idea applies across the board.

One of my goals this year was to learn how to sketch. I can’t draw at all but I’ve always wanted to. I loved watching people sit with a piece of paper and pencil and create works of art within moments. I saw other people’s sketchbooks and felt a strong desire to have my own. I was quite scared of this goal and postponed it for a while. Finally, on April 10, I decided enough was enough and I would start sketching every single day. Here are the two sketches I made on that day:

Yes, I told you. I can’t draw.

Alas, I kept trying. I dedicated 15-30 minutes a day to it. Every single day since April 10. I took other people’s sketches and tried to create my own versions. I used charcoal, colored pencils, pastel pencils, and eventually watercolors. I used photos as inspirations, too.

In the process I found artists that inspired me and I copied their work. Since I wasn’t selling anything and made sure to give credit, I didn’t worry about copying.

my version of the amazing sketch by Andrea Joseph:

Then I started to draw off of photos:

and finally moved to watercolors:

With just 15 minutes or so every day, I was able to improve my sketching significantly. To the point that I am no longer scared to sit and draw. Yes, I still have days where I hate my creations and I have a long way to go before I can use my own imagination, but I am no longer scared when I see something. I no longer think “I could never do that.” I know it’s just a matter of time, patience, and dedication.

All it took to have faith in myself (and to draw better) was 15 minutes a day.

Here are two more examples of how regular dedication of time can make a tangible difference in your life:

Another project I worked on this year was starting to exercise. I have never, ever exercised in my life. I don’t do any sports, and I don’t even know how to ride a bike. On October 2, 2010, I decided enough was enough and I would start exercising every day. I started with a one mile walk around the neighborhood and slowly increased to a 45-minute exercise of 2 miles of walking and 1 mile of running. As of July 2011, I had lost 32 lbs. I now weigh less than I did when I was 19 years old. Yes, I did watch what I was eating but I’d been doing that for years. What made this work was the 45 minutes a day I dedicated to working out. And now that my stamina is higher, I was able to change things up so I run 2 miles instead of walking so my 45 minute exercise is down to 21 minutes. I can use the extra time to be with my family.

And, finally for something different, my oldest son just learned how to read a year ago and he’s becoming more and more interested in books. I wanted to spend 2010 reading books to him to encourage his love for reading. Since I didn’t grow up here, I asked around a lot and made a list. It had most of the classics from Charlotte’s Web to The Wizard of Oz. I dedicated 20 minutes a day to read to him. Sometimes it would be during breakfast and other times, near bedtime. Just 20 minutes a day. I’d read to him and when we finished a book, he’d tell me what he thought of the book. (you can read more about the project here🙂 As of November 12, we’ve read 48 books together. Just 20 minutes a day.

So let’s summarize. With 15-45 minutes a day of dedication a day on each task, in less than one year, I was able to improve my drawing, lose 32 lbs., and read 48 books. If those are not excellent results, I don’t know what is. So next time you’re complaining about how you don’t have time to start something, remember that it takes a lot less time to accomplish a goal than you might think.

More importantly, what I learned when I was writing the Reclaiming My Time workshop is that you have a lot more free time each day than you think. All it takes is a good, hard look at where your time goes. I promise you, you will be surprised. As you can see from my examples above, taking just a few minutes each day to do things I value has changed my life. It made me more productive, happier, and more fulfilled.

Remember that how you spend your time is how you spend your life.

7 comments to Drop by Drop

  • Karyn Halter

    I loved this post. Congratulations to you on all of these accomplishments. Just to have accomplished one would be wonderful but all three! You are correct I have always bucketed my time into small increments especially for things that I wanted to do that I felt I didn’t have time for and also for things I didn’t want to do because if you do even small sections of time to things we don’t want to do before you know it it is done and you are free to move on and put those minutes towards something you enjoy! I so enjoy all of your posts!

    • karenika

      you are so right! Even over a year into it, I still hate doing the exercise but I do it and then it’s done and I can have the rest of my day! 🙂

  • janet k

    This is awesome! I love this post….congratulations to you on all your accomplishments. It is amazing what we can accomplish, with a little bit of effort!

  • Great post (as always). I hope to try something like this for next year, I know there are many thing this past year I did accomplish, but I would love to fine tune it too.
    Thanks for all your posts~ I enjoy reading them tremendously!!

  • dawn

    This was a great read!! First that first sketch is amazing, mine wouldn’t even come close to that, lol…. second congrats on all your success in many areas of your life this year. Can you believe we are almost coming upon our first year of knowing each other. I was so scared to take your class, ONLINE CLASS!! No way I thought but I kept reading your words and listening to the audio and I swear your words touched my heart from that first time. I owe so much of my small success to you this year and I’ll never for get them or YOU!!

    I’m hoping to do even better this new year now that I’ve learned so much about myself this first year. Thank you for sharing and inspiring and keeping it real here on your blog.

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