Passage of Time

In honor of my older son turning seven today, I decided I wanted to write a bit about Time. I’m very conscious of the passage of time. Not in that, wow-i-am-getting-old-wish-i-was-young way. I’ve never (so far) worried about getting old. I actually like getting older. I feel like my body/age is finally catching up with what my soul always felt. But, that aside, I am very aware that time is a very limited resource and if we don’t use it wisely, we lose it.

The fact is we lose it no matter what.

Time passes. When just yesterday he was born, now my son is seven years old. I can’t stop him from growing. I can’t stop time from passing. The only thing I can do is make the most of it while it’s here. The thing with life is that day-to-day moments can be overwhelming. Filled with lots of small activities. Like cleaning, commuting, taking kids to activities, packing lunches, getting homework done, etc. Most of these can be annoying and time-consuming and are repetitive. So they wear us down. They make us notice the big things less.

Things like your little boy becoming seven.

One of my big goals for this year is to pay attention more. To pay attention to things in between all the daily churn. To slow down and notice the beauty and amazingness of our ordinary days. To stop and be grateful. Deeply grateful. For my very ordinary life. I think the best way to use time wisely is to pay attention. To notice what truly makes your heart happy. To notice what makes the people in your life happy. And to do more of those. Even if a little more. To infuse your days with a few more things that make you joyful.

Just a few minutes makes a big difference.

Making better use of your time, like all things, is about the little steps. You cannot change your life overnight. And those chores are pieces of life and will not go away. This doesn’t mean you can’t make changes. I’ve been making a huge effort to stop and pay attention. To smile at the little things my kids do when they don’t know I am watching. To give an extra hug to my husband. Send a sweet email to a friend. (In fact, my friend Jess sent me a book in the mail today. She said she loved it and wanted me to read it, too. Something relatively not time-consuming on her part, but completely made my day.) Paying attention allows you to make changes. Paying attention changes the way you look at what’s there. It’s sort of a magical way to slow time down.

With my photos, I capture my little magical moments in the day. When I process them later that day, I get to relive those moments. When I print them out later in the week, I relive them once more. And when I scrap them for my Savor Project, I get to relive them once again. That allows me to extend the one small/magical moment by reliving it four times. That’s pretty awesome magic if you ask me!

I am learning more and more that everything starts with paying attention. If you know what’s really happening, then you get the opportunity to make change. Without that, you’re operating blind. Taking everything granted. And not exercising the choices you have in life.

So this is a reminder for me to honor my word, pay attention, and try to savor the moments of my day.

And happy birthday my sweet son, David. I love you more than life itself. I am so grateful for you.

5 comments to Passage of Time

  • Cheryl

    Happy birthday, David!

  • Kristine

    thanks for this reminder–i as well picked savor for my word –i needed this to keep me on track already.

  • Kelly S feel hte

    This was a very timely post for me–my oldest son is turning 13 today. I have a teenager in the house! I feel the same way about time–you can’t stop time from passing or people and things changing, but you can enjoy every minute.

  • YOU are so aware of the gifts around you that mean so much more than things money will buy. Savor on! {and wishing David a year full of fun, giggles, hugs and superdy duperdy days!}

  • That’s funny. I was thinking about time yesterday, too. I think that the speed with which it passes has to do, somehow, with what we have to look forward to. Like…think about how long the 4 years of high school seemed. Yet now, four years seem to just fly by. I think it’s because we get into our routine and things are the same all the time. I’m still working this out in my head but it was a sort of ah-ha moment for me, that I need to shake up the routine somehow in order to notice more.

    Anyway, that was a long and rambling way to say: I loved this post this morning! and now I want a cupcake! 😉

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