A Good Day

Today was a good day.

I know I’ve mentioned it before but I’ve been having a rough time lately. And when I’m in a place like this, I tend to only see the dark and pay attention to the bad. And then these good days get lost completely. They get enveloped inside the black and it’s as if they were never here. As an effort to pause more and pay attention to the good in my life, I wanted to remember this day.

The amazing thing is that no one thing made today a good day. So this read will be boring for most of you and please feel free to skip it.

I woke up at 5:30 with Nathaniel making noises in his crib. I had gone to bed at 9pm the night before so 5:30 was actually not too early, so I got up, got him, and came downstairs. I checked in on work and Nathaniel sat with me for just a few minutes and then David was awake, too. I took both boys in the garage and started my exercise. David read and Nathaniel played with the toys in the garage while I watched movies from Christy’s Your Living Canvas class. I ran my 3 miles and then showered and we all got dressed. (While I was exercising, Jake woke up, showered, and left for work.)

Then we sat down to have breakfast (oatmeal+fruit) and while the kids ate, I read from our current book, Savvy. (We’ve been reading this one for a while.) After breakfast, the kids brushed their teeth and we walked Nathaniel over to his school.

After we dropped Nathaniel off, David and I stopped by the corner store and got a hot chocolate for him and a latte for me and we got a sugary muffin and walked back home. I cut the muffin in half for us to share and started my morning sketch. After I was done sketching, I sat on the couch and started working. David sat next to me and read Harry Potter on the old Sony ereader I have. We both quietly worked for about two hours.

I got one of the bigger items on my work todo list done and one of the major ongoing issues I’ve been tracking had a good day today. So those were some good news for work. I also spent most of the day quietly working and getting things done. At noon, David and I walked back to Nathaniel’s school to pick him up. We ate lunch and then Nathaniel went down for his nap. David worked on his science book, wrote a little and then continued to read Harry Potter. I worked more. When it was time to wake Nathaniel up, David was still engrossed in his book and hadn’t realized quiet time was over.

We all went back down and the kids had a snack while I worked more. Then David got to have his computer time while Nathaniel played or watched him. Then it was time for veggies and dinner. This is the only time in the day that was a bit rough for me. Work’s always a bit extra chaotic during this time of day and the kids don’t just sit and eat. There’s a lot of “Come on, keep eating.” so I tend to get frustrated. Usually Jake’s home to give the kids dinner, but he’s at a conference today.

After the crazy of dinner was over and teeth were brushed again and the gratitude journal was written, we all tidied up the house a bit as the cleaning lady is coming tomorrow and it’s not possible for her to clean if there are toys everywhere. Then we reviewed David’s science work from quiet time. And now the kids are watching 20 minutes of TV (well David’s watching and Nathaniel’s playing) while I take a break and write this. (I also took a 15-minute break earlier today to do my 31 Things writing.)

Assuming Jake’s not back in the next five minutes, I will bathe the kids and then it will be bed time. David gets to finish up one section he missed in his science work and then he can read more Harry Potter (which he’s dying to do) for about an hour before he has to sleep. I was supposed to go to book club tonight but if Jake’s not back in time, I will stay home and do an art journal page instead. If I finish that early, I have photos to process for my Weekly Update and Savor Project. I’ll probably sneak a few looks at work just to make sure all is ok. And then it will be time for bed+book for me, too.

A perfectly ordinary day.

But here’s the thing:

1. I didn’t yell today. Almost at all. I was calm and relaxed for almost every minute of it.
2. There was no emergency at work. No stressful conversations. No unresolvable worries.
3. I loved sitting with my kids and working while they played.
4. I ran three miles.
5. I took two walks outside in the sun (to drop off and pick up Nathaniel.)
6. I worked quietly but diligently and consistently.
7. I did my exercise, sketch, and 31 Things. I also am posting my blog post. I even ate relatively well today.
8. No one cried or whined or fought almost all day.
9. I felt peaceful and not stressed out.

All of these together made for a simple, ordinary, but wonderful day. I have a lot I didn’t do and I’d still like to get organized for the summer. But for this one ordinary day, I feel content, calm, peaceful.

I wish I had a camera that could capture this feeling. But since there isn’t, I am writing it down so I remember.

So I pause.

So I know these days are here too, in the middle of the black. They exist and they sustain me. The dark ones will come again but so will the light ones and I need to let those shine brighter.

So I can remember.

15 comments to A Good Day

  • Carolyn HP

    Just like the beautiful blooms in your photo, good days need to be celebrated as every moment should be cherished. Thank you for sharing your every day, for being brave & honest as life is not always easy. Remember this day, let it embrace you.

  • aw happy day!. Would have loved to see Nathaniel and David’s pictures today. haha. Have a blessed day karen!

  • Susan A

    I’ve started to keep a journal and write down three things everyday that made me happy or that I did which made someone else happy. When the dark days come I’ll be able to look through my happy book (like your son’s) and feel better about myself and the world. Started reading your book recommendation tonight – felt like the weight of the world was lifted off my shoulders just reading the first paragraphs. Thank you so much for mentioning it.

  • This may be mundane to you or some readers, but I find it fascinating to peek into your life. I’ll probably never work from home. While I enjoy the ability to chill in the office, child-free, 5 days a week, sometimes I do fantasize being able to spend time with my son while working.

    Sounds like a perfect day to me too!

  • dawn

    So glad you had a happy, peaceful day!! Doesn’t sound boring at all to me, I love these kinda days!!

  • Diane

    I love days like that! When my boys were younger like yours, those days seemed hard to come by. As a work at home mom also (cpa), I know how difficult it is to ‘shut the door’ so to speak and keep the work day from spilling over into the personal day and visa versa. You have a lot of inner strength and fortitude to be able to balance both. Mine are older, so it’s not so much of an issue, but even so, I send them off to the babysitter (grandma) during the day. I hope most of your days are as peaceful and ordinary as this one!

  • Honoré

    May your “normal” days continue to be ‘good.’ Carry on!


  • Joy

    We would all benefit from documenting our ‘ordinary’ days to remind us when we’re overwhelmed, sad, or have had a string of bad days & think things will never be ‘normal’ or fun again. At least I would enjoy reading back a day of quiet perfectness sometimes! It seems to me you got alot accomplished and enjoyed your children and that is a good day. I’m proud of you & wish you many more plain & happy days.

  • This sounds like a wonderful day. Its nice to know other people are reminding their little ones to eat too. I too am trying to focus on not yelling. This is hard for me. I need to learn how to cultivate patience, but I don’t know how. So I start each part of my days with the intention of not yelling. So far today, I am good! My 3 year old started school this week and I am trying very hard to make each morning pleasant and relaxed for him.

  • sheri

    I think it is so important to remember days like this – they do exist. I am glad you had a good day 🙂

  • Kate Burroughs

    I am so glad that you had a good day. It is really important on those bad days to tell yourself that “this too will pass.” It’s the nature of life that things are always changing. Breathe and smile!
    Aloha, Kate

  • Mel

    Glad that you have had a good day and recorded it. Writing things down cements them into our brains.

    Here’s to more good days.

  • […] more things: Thank you for your kind words about my good day and thank you for the feedback on the posts over email. I will leave them as full. June 14, 2012 | […]

  • Ahhh, somehow sounds peaceful and lovely at the same time as productive. I’m a mom of two, work at home, homeschool, and am on a journey of weaving art into our days, so this post, once again, resonates with me.

    Nice to read about your day, thanks for sharing!

  • I’m glad you had a good day – it is something that I work on. Giving up yelling was a hard habit for me to break but life was so much nicer when I did. I’m glad I worked on it. The rest of your day sounds good too.

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