Abundance of Ideas

I was thinking about abundance and sharing this morning as I ran on the treadmill. I was watching one of Donna Downey’s Inspiration Wednesday videos and thinking about how some people worry about sharing tips/tricks or thoughts or ideas freely for fear that you will give your best ideas away and you won’t have any more.

But that’s the thing with ideas: there’s so much more where they came from and the best way to generate more is to use up the ones you have.

Sometimes, when we hold on to them, they become so precious. It almost paralyzes us with fear that it’s the one and only good idea we will ever have. I find that the freedom you get from sharing many ideas freely is that no one idea becomes all you have. You get more ideas and then you realize you’re capable of generating endless ideas.

There’s a common saying in fiction that there’s no such thing as a new idea. And I think this is true. Most stories have already been told. What’s not been told is your unique perspective on life. Your way of seeing life. Your way of recounting events. Your way of processing emotions. Those are unique to you and can never be copied or taken away from you.

I know I don’t make my living from creating art so I respect others might have different opinions, but my recommendations is to not fear putting your ideas out there. I feel like sharing creates abundance. It feeds a part of your soul that puts seeds of new ideas down inside you. At least that’s what I found to be true for me.

And I also appreciate it when others share their ideas, creativity, way of seeing the world with me. I took several of Donna’s Pan Pastel classes because of the free inspiration Wednesday videos. I knew her style of teaching and doing art would speak to me and I might not have taken them had I not seen her style for free first. Same for Christy. I took her classes cause I’d seen her free videos and liked them.

Just like in everything, there’s a balance to be reached here, too. If you’re hoping to have income from your art, you don’t share everything for free, of course. But you also don’t have to be super-secretive. You don’t have to think that if you give a bit for free, people will never pay for the rest.

And you don’t have to worry that you only have one good idea. If you use that up, you will see that you have more. Sit down to do art and they will come to you. Open up to the world and start a dialogue and more will come to you. Look around for what truly inspires you in the world and more ideas will come. Connect with others and more ideas will come.

Soon you will have an abundance of ideas only because you were brave enough to let the one precious one go.

5 comments to Abundance of Ideas

  • Yes,yes,yes…..totally agree. You have articulated this brilliantly. Thank you

  • A co-worker and I were talking about this as it relates to the (computer) business world and intellectual property. Our company is trying to glean ideas from its employees in order to develop new products. My co-worker says he is keeping his ideas to himself, so if he leaves the company (or forced out) he can take his ideas with him. I said that there will always be another great idea. We agreed to disagree.

    I find your post can relate to our mundane life as well as our art-full life. I think that I will not have only one good idea – that there will be many. Thanks for sharing these thoughts. It has inspired to write down a list of all my good ideas for the day!

  • OMG… “I feel like sharing creates abundance. It feeds a part of your soul that puts seeds of new ideas down inside you. ”

    That is the most perfect way of describing it!
    Thank you for your post!! I couldn’t agree more!! Brava!

  • Rosa

    just like Karen said, “sharing creates abundance” just stuck with me! I loved that phrase and will probably use it in a page as your quote 😉

    for me this post felt true in two levels.

    First, I was debating whether to share something with another student cause I was afraid, she’s going to move forward with that idea…but then I realized it’s so silly…one idea is not going to make a difference

    and second, “sharing creates abundance” was my dad’s philosophy around food. There was always enough food growing up for us to share with others and somehow there was always more where that came from – because we shared

    loved this post!

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