Making Plans

I have things I’ve been meaning to write about but then the days pass, the night comes, and I am tired and don’t really feel like writing. Not sure if it means something or if it means nothing. I’m trying not to over-think it and I hope you still come visit and check on me regularly even if I’m not being so diligent.

What I have been doing is making plans for next year. I’ve been thinking about projects I might like to have and what my word might be, etc, etc. This is the time of year when I usually start getting antsy and feel the desire to already start working on new things.

I haven’t fully formalized my projects yet but I am thinking of incorporating two classes into my plans for next year. One is a project from the Soul Comfort class I am currently taking. As with all the Brave Girls’ classes, I am loving this class and it has gotten me back into daily journaling for which I am deeply thankful.

I have never taken one of Tam’s Life Book classes before but I am seriously considering signing up for the 2014 class. I’ve taken several of Tam’s classes before and she’s amazing and the lineup of the other teachers looks fantastic, too. So, if I sign up, this will be one of my weekly projects.

When trying to sort out what I wanted from next year’s projects, I made a little grid for myself. I wanted to make sure I had a varying set of things so I wouldn’t get bored and so I could stretch myself a bit. So I picked a topic, format, media, and skill to focus on for each of my projects.

We’ll see if any of them hold up but I am at least having fun thinking about them and trying them out and adjusting here and there so far.

Is there a class you’ve taken this year that you’ve loved? I haven’t taken many this year and I am planning to keep it that way for next year, too. A few core ones and that’s it. I’d rather spend my time really honing some skills I’ve been craving to learn.

And here we are. Have you begun thinking about 2014, too, or is it just me?

4 comments to Making Plans

  • Ange

    My planning for next year is to actually use the classes I bought this year. This year I decided to try online classes to use my time for self care on the days I wasn’t working. I am a casual teacher. But the UNIVERSE has other plans. I was asked to work fulltime which I have loved, but this has left the art classes sitting there undone. So instead of being tempted by new classes, I think 2014 will be a year to find a way to work and play. Thanks for asking this Karen. It has started me planning.

  • Kate Burroughs

    I would very highly recommend any of the classes by Joann Sharpe. I just love her style and she is a great, empowering teacher. I have bought Life Book and 21 Secrets in the past and have to admit that I barely did ANY of the exercises. I am not going to sign up for them again, not because the teachers are bad, just that I am not motivated to stay up with the classes. On the other hand I have kept up with every Joanne Sharpe class I have taken so that has to say something good about the teacher.
    Aloha, Kate

  • Cheryl

    Quite obviously I was wrong when I thought it was too early to start planning! I can’t make any firm decisions until the end of the month. At least the ideas are percolating.

  • dawn

    I always love reading about your plans Karen, so many good ideas you have for each year. I’ve enjoyed everything you do and see how much you grow with each one.

    For me this year has been about Junelle Jacobson, and her Wild class, can’t get enough of her and her style. LOVE all that she does. I would like to start taking some of Julie’s Balazar classes in 2014, the $15 ones. I like that she made a bunch of small theme ones and she IS AWESOEM and gives you so much in any of her classes, just like you Karen. You two were my first online class teachers and I’m so thankful for that. I also will try and take some from Alisa Burke, she has a couple I like. Need to start doing layouts for the Hello Story class, I couldn’t wait for that class and then let it slip away.
    I think that’s it for the moment. Happy to see you thinking ahead already just like I am.

    Read thru all your posts here and enjoyed them as always!! HUGS!

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