Listen with Intent – Week 7

Continuing with the theme of Listening Deliberately, I thought a lot about what I would like to focus on this week. Slow down is what came up. Maybe I should have switched last week’s intent with this one since it feels like slowing down should come before making a choice does, but alas this is how it showed up and I’m sticking with it.

Maybe it’s the universe’s way of telling me that I will have to slow down this week if I want to be deliberate. I am not the kind of person who slows down very often. I don’t mean the lack-of-focus: I can sit still and read a book for four hours straight. But when I am doing a task, I tend to rush through it. I tend to want to “get it done.” It’s not even getting it over with as much as it is being able to check it off my list.

Considering the size of my list, if I want to check things off, I am not slowing down very often.

And yes, when you don’t slow down, you miss things. You miss important things. You are not being deliberate. You’re not even present, how could you be deliberate? So the intent for this week is to slow down. Way, way, way down.

Let’s see how I do.

This week’s lettering is here and I chose the meditating girl for my sketch because meditating is an excellent way to slow down.

Listen with Intent is a project for 2014. You can read more about it here.

1 comment to Listen with Intent – Week 7

  • ilkana

    karen, the sketch is so lovely. slowing down and focussing on enjoying the task i’m doing is something i really need to work on as well! even if the task isn’t enjoyable, just slowing down and being in the moment.

    was wondering if you received my email? i sent it about two or so weeks ago, i think! it’s totally cool if you’re too busy to reply, just hoping that it arrived safe and sound 🙂

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