Note to Self – Week 5

For this first page, I used Kate Thompson’s lesson from Life Book 2014. She is magnificent with drawing faces. Me, not so much. But I felt like trying anyway.

This whole page is painted gold and is really shiny. I am not sure why I didn’t take a shot of it sideways so you can see. But just imagine it. 🙂

In the spirit of bravery, I wrote down the lyrics of the Alanis song I was listening to at the time. It says: I recommend biting off more than you can chew to anyone. You live, you learn. You lose, you learn. You cry, you learn. You live, you learn. You scream, you learn.

To learn, you have to live. And if you live, no matter the result, you learn something from the experience. As with my word, I want to be brave this year. I want to bite off more than I can chew. I want to try harder, do more, work harder. I want to learn. I want to push myself. I want to learn about what I am capable of. I want to scream, cry, laugh, live.

I want to feel alive.

Note to Self is a project for 2015. You can read more about it here.

4 comments to Note to Self – Week 5

  • Zewa

    Cool song lyrics … Cool drawing – thank you for sharing!

  • dawn

    Karen, I love this, it’s exactly how I’m feeling about myself this year. Work hard, try hard stuff, know that I’m capable and that it’s worth it and that I will grow from it. Thought about this very thing a lot today. Thank you for sharing and inspiring me even more, it’s nice to know a friend is feeling the same way.
    Beautiful girl and GOLD!!!

  • I came across to your blog from Julie Fei-Fan Balzer’s blog and your art is amazing! It totally speaks to me and I’m sure to come back here often and take a cup of coffee with me :).

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