A Book a Week – station eleven

I read Station Eleven because it was on so many lists for great books of 2014. And I will say it was likely one of the most interesting books I read last year. Unlike anything else. It’s dystopian but not young adult and it talks of a terrible future but the story is told from the perspective of a traveling orchestra and theater troop. The story goes back and forth in time and weaves together.

It’s interesting, well written, and thought provoking. Gets points for being different but not at all gimmicky!

1 comment to A Book a Week – station eleven

  • This was one of the best books I read last year. It wasn’t entirely what I expected, in that I expected there to be fewer central characters and expected most of the action to be after the collapse of civilization. But the flashbacks were a relief. It’s actually quite difficult to read such a believable book about such a catastrophic event.

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