Weekly Reflection – 09

  • Three Choices I made this week:
    • One: I chose to rest as much as possible. I took the time I needed as often as I could.
    • Two: I chose to stay calm even as some things changed that were beyond my control.
    • Three: I chose to spend time with my kids. I love them.
  • I read/learned: I finished Be Frank with Me and A Man Called Ove. I am now listening to Diver’s Clothes Lie Empty and reading Symptoms of Being Human.
  • I celebrate:  I celebrate my life. It might change, it might not, in the meantime I want to make sure to celebrate it, be grateful for it and honor it.
  • I am grateful for:  good friends. kindness. generosity. my husband. my incredible kids. getting second, third, infinite chances to get things right.
  • I focused on my health by: 
    • Walked 10K steps every day
    • No Diet Coke or latte this week.
    • I am trying a new idea with food and am not sure how I’m doing yet.
  • I made art:  i am still behind on art. this is one thing i haven’t been able to figure out how to fit into my schedule.
  • I let go of: I let go of having any control over how things turn out. I am trying my best to be present and see if I can just be with what is.
  • Core Desire Check-in:
    • Kind: I was kind to my husband, friends, and at work this week. I did my best to be available and to listen.
    • Strong: I was strong with my convictions. I showed up when I didn’t feel like it and did what had to be done.
    • True: I stayed true to my beliefs and was honest. Even when it was hard.
    • Generous: I’ve been generous with my time this week. I am hoping to take some time for myself today.
    • Brave: I was brave with my fears this week too. I tried to reason with them and to calm myself. Some moments I did better than others. Here’s to hoping I can do well next week as well.

I didn’t manage to process the photos from this week so they will have to wait until next week.

Weekly Reflection is a year-long project for 2016. You can read more about my projects for 2016 here.

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