2016 Stories – 19 – Tucking the Kids In

I start my days really early. Sometimes as early as 4:45am. So by the time the evening rolls around, I am wiped. I often feel like I don’t want to move an inch from the couch.

Thankfully, bedtime is relatively easy in my house. Both of the kids go down between 6-7pm and there is no routine except their brush their teeth and say goodnight. We spent years doing baths, reading in bed, etc. but now they are both old enough to do much of that on their own. However, they still liked to be tucked in.

Each night when Nathaniel asks me if I’d be willing to tuck him in, my instincts are to say no. I am too tired. I don’t want to walk up the stairs. I don’t want to move a muscle. But last year, I made a promise to myself: I will never say no when the kids ask me to tuck them in.

I don’t have a huge amount of time left with my kids being kids. David’s already 11 and Nathaniel is 7. My bet is that within 8 years (if not less) no one will be asking me to tuck them in again. (Well maybe my grandkids one day!) And I want to remember to cherish each of these years, days, moments. I want to tuck them in while they are still here and still willing to be tucked in.

So I never say no.

I get up and walk up the stairs holding their soft, wonderful hands and love and kiss and hug them every night that I am home.

And I am so very glad that I get to.

Stories from 2016 is a year-long project for 2016. You can read more about my projects for 2016 here.

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