2017 in Art

One of my goals for 2017 was to make 20 pieces of art each month. I had some ideas of what I wanted to do but I also knew that they would likely change as the year progressed. I wasn’t sure I would be able to pull off making 20 pieces of art each month. But I did! This post will be image heavy as it will show all of them. (Almost all.)

For January I made loving hearts:





For February, I made some quick sketches:

For March, I captured everyday magic:





For April, I played with fabric:



For May, I wrote about what shining means to me:



For June, I painted rocks:



For July, I played with paint:



For August, I made 10-minute art:



September was my travel journal.



For October, I made mantras:



For November, I made art boards:




And December, of course, was December Daily.

The best part is: I enjoyed every one of these projects a lot!

Not too shabby for a super-busy year. Here’s to hoping for more art in 2018!

2 comments to 2017 in Art

  • Dee Dee


    I really enjoy seeing your monthly projects. I am wondering three things: (If you have the time to respond.)

    1. Where do you find the phrases/words you used in the various pieces like loving hearts, quick sketches, everyday magic, fabric pieces, paint pieces and mantras? I am not asking for individual responses for each month, but collectively, where did you find/what did you use for word inspiration?

    2. Do you decide a medium size? You mentioned doing December daily, so was thinking maybe 3×4 so you can display in an album? How do you decide the size?

    3. How do you display, or store, your finished pieces. I have been to your website over the years, and have seen the beautiful art you have made. You have a beautiful collection by now.

    This has been inspiring and may attempt to do this for the upcoming year.
    Thank you for sharing yourself.

    • karenika

      So sorry for my delay. Here are some answers:

      1. Some of them are quotes from the internet, pinterest, etc. Some are words by artists whose classes I’ve taken, like Melody Ross (I generally mention when this is the case, to make sure to give credit.) And some are made up by me šŸ™‚ I love Rumi and many of my quotes are by him.
      2. Hmm, no I don’t really pick a size. This year I had a range of sizes for a range of work. It often depends on my mood and my month and how inspired I feel. I also often work on small sizes because I like to work small, I don’t have a lot of time and I prefer to finish in one sitting, and because I feel less intimidated by the size šŸ™‚ So it’s totally random.
      3. This is going to disappoint you: Almost all of them sit in a basket in my house šŸ™‚ Some of them are in my One Little Word album, some of them are in my traveler’s journal, but most of them are sitting in a basket (since they are small enough, they don’t take up a lot of space.) For me, it’s about the process of making art more than the output so I am not so worried about displaying them when I am done.

      I hope this helps and thank you so much for your kind words!! <3

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