Daily Year of Yes – 193

Year of Yes – 193

I was reading over what I wrote back in December of last year about what I could do to keep my word up front and central this year. So that I could stay in the spirit of what I wanted to feel when I chose yes as my word.

One of the items I’d written down was that I could have a mantra that I tell myself again and again. Which is odd because I’m not a mantra kind of gal. I have nothing against them at all, just have not used them before so it was odd to read that I’d written that down as a goal.

When I read it today, I wondered what mantra I could use. And then it came to me right away.

Yes to this.

That’s exactly how I wanted this word to show up for me this year. I want to be here with them now and be okay with how things are. I want to be optimistic and open to life just as it is. I want to accept what is so that I can really live in it. I want to stop fighting and stop feeling like it’s all just uphill all the time. I want to stop worrying about how things aren’t going to work out. I want to be able to pause.

I want to be able to take life and say yes to this. Knowing that, whatever it is, I will make it through. And that so much of life is good and worth celebrating.

Yes to this.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

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