Random Thoughts – Part 1

So I’ve been carrying these thoughts around for weeks now. Some of them for months and I originally wanted to make a post for each but I’ve quickly realized that it will never happen. I will postpone it forever. So ,instead, I’ve decided to write paragraphs for each and clump them together. This might be one post or if it’s too long two, three posts. I will just write until I have nothing more to say or I am tired. I hope this doesn’t annoy you. They are not in any order at all.

1. Your Words Come True. Henry Ford said, “If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.” I think this statement is very pithy. It shows the power of your thoughts. Regardless of facts, your thoughts play a big part in the outcome of your actions. I firmly believe this holds true of your words, too. If you say you can’t do something, you likely cannot. But the power of words go even further because since they are often outwardly expressed, they end up affecting others around us as well and they start to believe what you say. If you say “I’m fat” enough times, people around you start seeing you as fat. If you tell someone you’re dumb, they stop thinking otherwise. I promise you, it works consistently. The number of times you need say it out loud might differ but words are powerful. They convince people eventually. So it’s better to say things that are empowering instead of defeating. Even if you don’t think you can do it, you can say “I can try.” or “I can give it my best.” That’s what I do with the exercise. I tell myself that I will give it all I have. That I can do it. I don’t always believe it, but I say it anyway. So this is for you, and for me, to remember that words have power. What you say comes true. It’s a way of calling things to yourself. So why not call the best?

2. Being Busy is not Always Bad. I always favor a long todo list. I like being busy and I like doing doing doing. For a while, I worried that this was my way of avoiding some deep issue. That I wasn’t ok to stand still and I would break down if I did. Or something. I am not sure what but it had me worried. And then I had a bunch of time off so I slowed down. A lot. I realized that not having much to do or not doing much didn’t cause me to breakdown. It caused me to be lazy. I sat on the couch and moved very little. I read. I wrote. I watched TV. But overall, I felt sad. Empty. Like I didn’t really have a purpose. I like having purposes. I like a schedule and todo lists. I like deadlines. I like getting things done. Not because I am running away from something but because I love the feeling of accomplishment. Even finishing a tiny task makes me happy. Rearranging my table. Finishing a layout. Whatever it might be. So I decided to stop worrying and feeling bad about who I am and what I do. I can sit still and read for hours and it’s great, but being busy is not bad. It’s who I am and I’m all about embracing who I am these days. So there we go.

3. I am not Fun.Here’s another one I’ve clung on to for years and years. I am not what you’d typically consider to be a fun person. I don’t dance, drink, do drugs, or go out partying. I talk a lot. (A lot!!) but I am much more of a 1-1 person. I prefer deep, authentic conversations. For the longest time, I felt bad about not being fun. When I saw people with lots of friends partying or having fun, I felt envious. But then I forced myself to think of what I am. I am authentic, reliable, loyal, kind, patient, and loving. Helpful. Genuine. I will do anything for the person I love. I read a lot and have a wide range of interests so I can talk about most subjects and have a wide variety of friends. So I don’t drink with them or go dancing. But I am me. And I am here. I think it’s time I made peace with that instead of desperately wishing I was everything I am not. Being consistent, dependable and loyal is nothing to sneeze at in a friendship. Right? They will just have to go drinking with someone else.

4. Sarcasm. I am so so done with sarcasm. I never got it. I think it’s a way to be mean without getting in trouble. It sounds mean, bitter and sometimes even nasty. What’s the point? I think it’s completely overrated. I’d rather have a kind, genuine friend who’s happy. Any day of the week. So if your thing is being sarcastic, I am letting you know now, that I am not going to respond to it. I will not feed it. I refuse to be a part of it. I think it’s destructive. And mean. There, I said it.

More coming next week.

20 comments to Random Thoughts – Part 1

  • kendra

    Karen, your authenticity is what I love about your blog! I only recently discovered it, but I find myself reading your posts first each morning. You truly know yourself, and it’s inspiring!

  • i agree with you kendra. I read karen’s post daily also. šŸ™‚

  • Rosa

    I am new here, but I love how real you are, I love coming to you blog and finding a slice of real life, real words…and someone that’s not afraid of being vulnerable…thank you so much for sharing!!!

    on another note, I am so excited that your class at BPS is starting today, I dont have time to read the handout right now but cannot wait until tonight
    have a great day!

  • I’m not fun either! But I still HAVE FUN. And that’s the important thing, right? Right! šŸ˜€

    So glad you’re getting these things off your chest.

  • Donna C

    Amen! (I can so relate to all these thoughts) Thanks for sharing.

  • Pam

    You could easily be my friend as you are what I value most in one. thanks for being so honest and real.

  • Cheryl

    We’ve been friends for a long time and often I wonder if your posts are synchronous, that you know what I need to hear so you’ll write me a note. I so needed to read this today! Thank you for being YOU!

  • Donna C

    Karen – just want to let you know that I really look forward to your blog posts every day.

  • Jill Martin

    Thanks for sharing who you are. I’m that kind of person you are not drinking, partying out or dancing. I don’t drink either. I don’t like to go to too much party. The only things I go to the parties are birthday parties with kids, Christians and fellowship to eat… One of reasons I don’t drink is because of damaging brain cells and causing foolish and it doesn’t mean it’s because I’m a Christian….thats who I’m. It’s people’s choice and it’s their lives… I know some people have drinking problems and that’s understanding. I’m working on becoming a better person and not letting people tell me what to do things that don’t fit to my personalities and gut feelings.. I love my dogs and rabbits. I’m a single.. i love scrapbooking.. I’d like to learn your examples of doing scrapbooking. I have disabilities.. I enjoy reading your posts and I’d like to find time to do scrapbooking but I need to concentrate on my 2 pets that they are having treatment at the same time as I planned for my dog to have injection treatment but my 13 years old rabbit has infection issues at the same time.. WHen I read your post, it makes me want to try it but I have a job, long commute ways, etc. I was going to email you about this but i think i’d share a comment with you. I enjoy reading your posts daily… thanks for all you are doing this blog….

  • Melissa Martinez

    your great! you are able to say things from your heart and uplift me at the same time. I am so excited to be in both your classes this month at BPC. You are helping me be a better person by being who you are. Thank you

  • I’m in your class at BPC too – thanks for posting your blog address. I love your thoughts on this post. I am done with sarcasm too for the reasons that you wrote and because it usually hurts someone else. And I’ve left behind the partying friends and filled my life with much better things, like grandchildren šŸ™‚ Thanks for sharing so authentically! And I love the LOs you posted in your first week message. My homework to myself is to use them as inspiration and get some of memories saved.

  • Kelly

    I find it interesting how you can write so much of what I think each and every day. I read your posts and you enter my heart. It is as though you are my friend. I know so many others of your readers feel the Sam. Thank UPI for sharing yourself with us.

  • Cindy

    Your writing is so honest and inspiring. Many of your topics are very close to my heart Thank you for sharing with us, I really enjoy reading your blog daily.

  • Jessie Belle

    hi karen..

    im new here..(i mean really new!)..and i found out that i have been hearing this tumblr thing for a long time and haven’t even took time to open a blog or something but i do believe that God lead me into something today that He had let me find this thing and discover that its all worth it..I have been so doing stuffs with facebook and youtube that i take a look at myself and find a little emptiness of thoughts..i need something like this..God has purpose for me and i do believe it..thanks for your thoughts..

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