Doing What Lights you Up

One of the frequent comments I get here is about how I do it all. Where do I find the time? How do I manage? How can I possibly have time to do everything?

The answer is simple, of course.

I don’t.

The list of things I don’t do is way longer than the list of things I do each day. When people read my blog, they assume I do everything they do plus the things I do. Just like we assume a writer’s published book is how he writes or a blogger we admire has only the life she blogs about. We fill in the blanks. But we don’t fill them in accurately. Sometimes we assume the best, other times we assume the worst. We are rarely ever assuming the truth. I can even say we never do.

But what I was thinking about today isn’t even about how we are inaccurate so much of the time. It’s about quantity. I don’t think that doing so “MUCH” is an achievement by itself. Quantity is time consuming but not hard to produce. What’s harder is quality. And I don’t mean quality like creating an artistic masterpiece. I mean the quality something adds to your life.

There are some activities that lift your spirit up so much that doing them truly makes your day better. Not in the same way as checking off a to-do list item. For example, I exercise every morning. I do it as soon as I wake up, while it’s dark out and before I’ve checked my mail. It’s not an activity that lights me up. It doesn’t make me happy when I think of doing it and definitely doesn’t make me happy while I do it and often times not even after. I am just grateful it’s done. I am committed to doing it because I know it’s beneficial to my heart and body and health. But that’s it.

Then there’s the sketching. I often start my sketch while the kids are still at home and then finish it after I’ve dropped them off at school. Those 20-30 minutes spent on a page are some of my favorites in the day. When I am sketching, I don’t worry about the passage of time, I don’t feel frustrated. Most of the time, I don’t think at all. I just sit there and get into the joy of it. I feel like my sketches need a lot of work. There are many others whom I admire and wish I could be like. I yearn for more talent, better eye, clearer understanding of perspective, etc. etc. But despite not being anywhere near where I wish I were talent-wise, I still adore my sketching time. It’s an activity that definitely lights up my day.

There are other activities that add value to my life. Like the journaling helps me get organized and helps me sort out my head. This is exercise for my brain and soul just like the treadmill is for my body and heart. I need them both. But they don’t make me lose track of time the way sketching does.

So when thinking about how to spend your time, I say don’t worry about HOW MUCH you’re doing but worry about WHAT you’re doing. Are you taking care of your soul, brain, heart, and body? Are you doing things that light you up? Even if it’s one single thing. Even if it’s just for 15 minutes a day.

Sometimes we pile so much on our todo list that the whole days goes by without a moment of light. Without a moment of pure joy. When I watch my little son and see how many times a day he laughs all by himself, I find myself wishing for the same. I want to laugh with joy too. I want to do something that makes me so happy. This is not a race. And if it were, I think the ones who win are not the ones who do it all.

It’s the ones who do what gives them the most joy.

So look at how you spend your time. Look at your 2012 list. (I’m sure you have one.) Pick one thing that you know will give you joy. Don’t worry about all the others. Just do that one. Today. Right now. Do it for 10 minutes.

I promise you will be glad you did.

10 comments to Doing What Lights you Up

  • Hello Karenika!
    Really great post…I am living the same process, only 10 or 20 min. for light up my soul with scrapbook, but it is amazing for my happiness. Love your final reflection, watch your time and do it something that light up your life, right now!
    Thanks for sharing.

  • I LOVE this, time to stop comparing our accomplishments with others. I have struggled with this in my writing life, exercising life… Thanks for sharing

  • What a great post. I think as women we put so much on ourselves. We can’t do it all, all the time. But if we do the things we love some of the time than we are living.

  • Hi Karen, I’m glad that I found your blog.I love your art works, I’ve put your blog on my blogroll, may I? Thanks for all inspiring and beautiful photos of your family life.
    Hugs Anja from germany

  • this is a reminder. ive been such in a haste lately knowing that i have not done much with my life! haha its funny sometimes. you get caught up looking at people around you thinking their life is great. and you want yours to be too. thank you for reminding me that i just have to do what i love because its really what matters most, to enjoy your life and to love what your doing. thank you karen! 😀

  • Karenika, Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I love your perspective and your words will help me put to rest some self-talk that has been really unhealthy for my creativity.

  • Karen,

    You inspire me to get things done and spend my time more wisely! I’m working on rearranging my time so that I can get the things I need to do done early in the day so that I can enjoy the rest of my day better. Thank you! 🙂

  • Heather Santos

    Karen, this is a wonderful post. I kid you not, I was just thinking, how does she have time? Then I see your answer! Thanks so much for posting this and for being real and transparent in all of your posts. You are so inspiring.

    • karenika

      thank you so much for your kind words 🙂 I feel so grateful that you took the time to comment. it’s connections like this that allow me to keep sharing so we help each other out 🙂

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