The Power of Thinking You Can

I’ve had a lot of managers in my life. Let me rephrase that: I’ve had a lot of bad managers in my life. But I’ve also been lucky enough to have a few good ones.

And here’s one of the biggest differences between the two: the good ones believe in you and give you opportunities that they know you can rise to. They push you and encourage you at the same time.

And you know what?

It works like a charm.

When I worked with a good manager, I rose to the occasion each time. I conquered problems I never thought I could. I blasted through what I believed were my limits. They showed me that I can be more. That I already am more and I just needed to see it. There’s so much magic in having someone believe in you.

Over the last few years, I’ve been trying to do this for myself. I can see a huge difference in my abilities when I change my mental state. This is not just about being positive (though that’s a big part of it, too.) This is about thinking you can. Thinking that you have what it takes to conquer your next challenge. You have what it takes to achieve that goal. What it takes to operate on the level you want to be.

The trick is that once you think you can, you can.

I know it sounds simple and I also know that it isn’t simple. I go through bouts of insecurity in my life. Over work, over my art, over my ability to be a good wife or mother. Over everything that actually matters to me. And I’ve noticed that when I am in that state, I end up being sub-par. I actually make more mistakes. So then my view of how I am actually comes true. Which is a vicious cycle, of course. I think I am mediocre, so I perform mediocre and then end up actually being mediocre.

See how that works?

But then there are times when I feel good. I feel like I can. I am excited and powerful and confident. Which also makes me kind, helpful, and uplifting. And, man, nothing can get in my way during those times. I am a powerhouse. I know things. I learn things. I am always surprised by how much and how well I can get things done when I am in that place. I am a star.

And you know what? They are both me. The mediocre girl and the star. They are both me. I have the capacity to be either. And while it’s nice to have managers who can activate the go-getter in me, there’s no reason I should wait for that.

There’s no reason I can’t do it for myself.

I know for a fact that thinking you can means you can. It gives you the energy, optimism, and drive to get things done. So you rise to the challenges. You work harder. You work more intelligently. And you reach the goal. Whether it be programming or drawing or learning to write more beautifully. The trick is to think you can.

And magic takes over from there.

6 comments to The Power of Thinking You Can

  • Cheryl

    The power of positive thinking…the magic…awesome, amazing…exists in all of us if we would only turn the tap on. A powerful reminder.

  • yes this is so true. experienced the same thing too. My aha moment was when i prayed about it this small voice came and said “live your potential” Because when i do something I was always imagining the mistakes i will make now im trying to imagine my potential.

  • Love your thoughts on this. During a frustrating period with a not so supportive supervisor, I realized that I work hard and do a good job not for my supervisor, but for me. It is my value system that pushes me to do my best. This realization was so helpful because it freed me from being so dependent on validation from others. Recognition from others is nice, but it doesn’t always come when you need it, but we can always be there for ourselves if we will. Good thoughts for the day. Thanks.

  • Mel

    I know you speak the truth but it’s hard to be positive. But I know it’s possible. thanks for the reminder.

  • So true Karen, we’ve got to believe in ourselves and as hard as it can be sometimes, even though it shouldn’t, I prefer to see myself as capable of anything and look forward to “better things” from me 🙂

  • I loved this! Just like you I doubt myself when I get rejected or something and the thought of giving up flits through my mind…I go back to bed and sulk for a bit, then I get up and continue achieving and believing! Thanks so much for this!!

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