
I’ve been spending a lot of time in the last week worrying about a decision I might have to make.

You read that right: I don’t even know if I will have to make the decision or not yet. And yet I am still worrying.

So much so that I’ve dreamt about it and had a hard time falling asleep.

The reason the decision is tough is because it will change my day to day life and if things don’t work out (which is always a possibility) I might be very sad I made the change. I feel like the unknown seems so overwhelming that I’d rather not change anything just not to risk the unknown.

Which can’t possibly be a good idea, can it?

I’ve been thinking about taking leaps in general. Walking into the unknown more often. Being braver.

And then the little voice inside my head says “but what if it all goes wrong and you regret it forever?”

Indeed. what if?

The threat of regret is so daunting.

But here’s what I do know. Life changes constantly. There’s no guarantee things will stay as they are now. There’s no way to know how the paths I didn’t take would have turned out. And most importantly: everything is always ok in the end. Sometimes it’s not about doing all your homework or thinking really hard. It’s definitely not about worrying for hours on end.

Sometimes it’s just about making the leap.

And having faith that it will all work out.

Or simply just having faith.

And taking the leap.

On a side note, as I was writing this, one of my colleagues found out his dad had a heart-attack and had to be airlifted to the hospital. A reminder that life is so fragile and I need to just stop wasting mine by worrying. period. Instead, I need to remember to be grateful for each and every day.

4 comments to Leaping

  • Sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith that if you have to make the decision it will all work out ok. I made an art journal page recently about looking at circumstances differently. For example, what if every time something happens to you… even if it seems like a terrible thing… you just simply say “This is the best thing that could have happened to me!” If you can do this than your perspective can change an unending possibilities open.
    Hang in there and stop worrying. There is not point yet. When the time comes just simply leap and make the decision 🙂

  • Cheryl

    Somewhere I read, not even sure where, that the path of most resistance is the path to follow. Follow your heart, have faith and jump!

  • Best of luck with your possible decision, Karen. Some people need more time to process things than others or to think through the possible scenarios in order to feel prepared to make the decision. So it might feel like worrying, but could actually be a form of preparation.

  • EVA

    Most people regret what they didn’t do, the risks they didn’t take. Rarely do people regret what they actually do.

    Good luck making the decision if/when it comes!

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