Daily Year of Yes – 247

Year of Yes – 247


My local coffeeshop has the best signs.

I can’t remember where she said this but I once heard Brené Brown talk about how from the moment our feet touch the floor in the morning, we already feel “behind.” And I remember how strongly that resonated with me.

I have lists of things to do all week and all weekend. Even my fun time is a to-do list item. I plan to read this many books or do this many drawings during the weekend and if someone or something gets in the way I get demonstrably agitated.

I have no patience or space for the other person. Because they are basically in the way of my ability to check off items on my list.

Yes I know this is crazy.

And it’s partly how I make time to do things I love to do. So I don’t want to get rid of it completely.

I do want to release some of the unnecessary stress. I do want to create space for the unexpected or the spontaneous. I want to have room for both.

So I’ve been working on that a lot recently.

Like most things, for me, it starts with a change in mentality.

Yes to awareness.

#yearofyes #karenikayearofyes

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